Family Christmas

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First I planned this story with only one part, but this morning I decided to make another one... So enjoy ;)

On Mechi's party Diego and Clari finally made up and became a couple again and this time no one can break them apart.

But What else has Diego planned?

This is what Clari was thinking about on the way home... Home, back to his house.

- Claaari... - suddenly his voice snapped her out of her thoughts.

- Yes?

- We're home - he smiled as he kissed her hand softly - What were you thinking about?

- About what you have said earlier... That you have a surprise for me which is a bit weird...

- Weird? Why?

- Because... Because we weren't even talking till today and you... Still planned something for me?

Diego immediately smiled as she said that.

- Maybe I didn't talk to you... Maybe I avoided you, but I was planning on to talk to you on this party... To make things clear...

- Really?

- Yes... Because we have been away from each other for like... Well, for too long time and I've missed you... So much... I wanted to win you back from Dominguez...

- I've never been his... - Clari muttered.

- Now I know... - Diego smiled and caressed her cheek - And I feel awfully stupid for not believeing you...

- But I forgive you... So don't feel bad... - she smiled as she touched his hand.

- Of course I feel bad and I will whenever I'll think about this because of how stu---

Suddenly Clara cur him off by kissing him on the lips softly. He was quite surprised at first, but then he returned the kiss. He was truly happy that he got his loved one back again.

- Now... How about we go in? - he asked.

- Sure - she smiled as they headed into the house together, but before they arrived Diego stopped her at the doorway.

- Now you'll see my other surprise when we're in... Okay?

- I'm kinda nervous though... - Clara sighed and looked down - Will Amanda and the others will to let me back into the family?

Diego stood there, surprised for a while then just smiled and pulled her into his arms.

- Even Miranda wanted to kill me right before I went to the party - he said - She told me to get you back because this might be my only chance and I might lose you forever...

- Woah... Well... She was nice to me lately, but I wasn't expecting her to say something like that - Clara muttered in surprise.

- I wasn't either... And Amanda too! She was hating on me all these months while you were away... - he said with a huge sigh.

- Oh! So you got me back because Amanda were hating on you? - Clara asked on a sarcastic voice.

- No, of course not! But because I wanted you back too... - he replied as he kisswd her softly on the lips - I love you so much...

- I love you too... - she smiled.

when they walked into the house the first person who greeted them happily was Miranda...

- Finally you're home again! - she said then hugged Clari happily which still surprised both her and Diego, but they were happy as well.

- I'm glad to be here again... - Clara replied as she hugged her back.

Diego decided to stay back for now and just watch them as Amanda and Mirta came to greet Clai again and while everyone was around her he sneaked into his ofice quietly.

----- TIME SKIP -----

- Hey, where did Mr. Ramos disappeared? - asked suddenly Mirta.

- I'm right here - they heard his voice coming from the office door and everyone turned around to see him.

He just smiled then walked up to Clara and held her hands...

- Clari.. I know I wasn't too good of a boyfriend to you in the past few months, but I'm truly honest when I say I've missed having you here in the house... By my side... - he started and Clari looked confused at him and so did everyone, except Miranda. She knew what's going on - But whenever I say I love you I truly mean it... I love you with all my heart... You're the only woman that can make my heart beat so fast that it's almost unbearable... But I can bear it... Because you're the reason my heart is so fast like this... And from now on I want you to be with me for the rest of my life...

At this moment Clari gasped and Diego knelt down in front of her with a small box in his hand. He opened it and there was a beautiful diamond ring in it and he looked up at her again and continued...

- Maria Clara Alonso... Would you make me the happiest man alive and marry me?

At this moment Clari was already crying in happiness and hardly, but she managed to say...

- Yes! Yes, I'd love to!! - she cried out.

Diego let out a huge sigh of relief as he happily slipped the ring on her finger then stood up and as soon as he did that Clari jumped into his arms and kissed her lovingly on the lips.

- I love you... - he whispered into her ear - And Merry Christmas...

- I love you too! - she replied then whe she let go of him she looked into his eyes and rested her forehead against his - Merry Christmas...

This is the end of this one too... I have nothing else to say, except...

Merry Christmas~

Feliz Navidad~

Buon Natale~

Boldog Karácsonyt~ 😋💞💞⛄️❄️❤️

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2014 ⏰

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