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Hellooo Dear Readers!

Welcome to Peachland, also known as the place where people like you and I stan for unreal pixels on a screen of an imaginary image of perfection: Welcome to my world of the Simps 4!

I'll be your host, Muggle the Muddled Muggle (yes, that is my name), and I will be going through our most beloved sims from our QUEEN Clare Siobhan's SIMPS series (correct me, I dare you). 

Writing this makes me chuckle and it's fun to just pour my heart out in another, much more ridiculous way than my usual stories (but check those out too lovelies ;) ).

Make sure to vote, share and COMMENT who you want to read about and simp for next.  But most importantly, enjoy and have a laugh!

Without further ado, I give you the OG helpful (unhelpful) list of our favourite sims!  (Seth is bae-)

With much love,

The Muddled Muggle

Please do not copy or distribute without my consent! ;P

(Un)helpful guide to Clare Siobhan's SimsWhere stories live. Discover now