Jealousy doesn't look good on you, mate

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Lance and y/n had been together for a year now. That was a year of Calum feeling shitty, being rude to y/n and Lance, ignoring Lance, glaring at him and avoiding the pair at all costs. Y/n and Calum had been friends since year ten in high school. They're now twenty-one. Their friendship had been very tight knit ever since the age of sixteen. They'd always hang out, go to one anothers soccer games and support each other in any way they could, although there were kids who were certain the two were an exclusive item. However, those speculations ended when Calum dated a girl in year ten and eleven named Jessica. Obviously, y/n was ecstatic for Calum and had supported the relationships he'd been in but there was a twang of pain whenever she'd hear about his very proud intimate moments; like when he lost his virginity. But in year eleven, when y/n had gotten herself a boyfriend, Calum was utterly bewildered. Jake was that preppy jock type. He was the captain of the football team, he was tall, broad and full of muscles. Calum saw that y/n was happy but he felt broken, stupidly though, he was starting his dream in music and soccer.

The first time y/n had mentioned she'd lost her virginity was in year twelve. They were at Calum's, the band had just come back from a headline tour in 2014 and were preparing to move to LA full time. Calum didn't think much of it as he moved to the UK in 2013 and toured with 1D, but now he was realising how permanent this was becoming. He'd missed so many things while being away. Sitting on his childhood bedroom floor with y/n, listening to her talk about her boyfriend, he realised that she wasn't the innocent girl he'd left behind. She was becoming a woman, graduating in less than two weeks. She had her own dreams to fulfil. He listened intently as she talked about uni and what dreams she had to follow. He smiled, enjoying the way her eyes sparkled when talking about her wildest dreams. She loved art, all types of it. Although her forté definitely wasn't drawing or painting. Her best form was lyric writing and photography.

There were so many things Calum admired y/n for. He thought about her while he was away, calling her every spare moment he had. Of course, he got laid on the tours he'd been on. He wanted to have fun. Who wouldn't when there are thousands of girls throwing themselves at you on a daily basis? Sure, it might've been a dick move to sleep with the number of girls he did, letting them mark him as their own, too wrapped up in the pleasure. But he didn't care, it helped to get the one girl furthest from him, out of his mind for a little while. It worked for a few months, until one night, a sandy blonde brunette was in his hotel bed, she had the same hazel blue orbs, she had slightly thin lips, marking her territory, he wasn't thinking. It just slipped. The raw feeling finally being released, unknowingly of the enormous meaning, he moaned out the name of y/n. The girl, who's name he later knew as Aubrey, stopped immediately, pushing him off of her, yelling. Calum stilled, not realising what had happened until reality settled in. " you!" Aubrey screamed, slamming the hotel door. Calum held his head in his hands for a few hours after that, all because reality had quite literally crashed into his being.

2016 was when a whole nightmare for Calum had started. Lance had been on the scene for a few months before Calum had even known. Y/n texted him, a simple line making his head spin. Meet at that beach café in 20, I have some news. That's all the text read. It led to endless possibilities that flourished in Calum's mind. Could this be it? Would she say the words he'd longed to hear? Calum stepped foot into the small beach corner café that y/n had loved since they were kids. Calum was back from a run around tour that finished early 2016, meaning he could finally spend time with his girl and family. His heartbeat stopped in his throat when his eyes landed on his girl and some blonde guy. He walked over, feeling the heat of anger hit him immediately. He was always protective of the girl, even before they'd formed a close friendship. He reached his hand out to meet Lance's as y/n introduced the two together. Calum's gaze hardened, squeezing his hand dominantly, his chest out slightly. Y/n nudged him, "Sit down, Cal." He obliged, not wanting to annoy his girl. The minute the word 'boyfriend' fell from her pink lips, Calum's stomach dropped. He nodded politely, deciding to be nice for y/n's sake.

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