Here we are once again

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His voice was deep with that same rasp he'd had all these years ago. You promised your friends seeing him again wouldn't put you on edge; you thought it wouldn't even be a big deal.

But here you were, the wind stolen from your chest from hearing his voice. Your back was turned to him, but you knew what was happening. Your hands started to tremble - it had only been a few months since his friends messaged you, digging around for information on what you were up to. A blindsided, laughable event, until it sparked anxiety.

You didn't understand what he wanted; it had been a handful of years since you both last spoke. A mutual friend had passed, you were moving on with life, living every moment with as much present spirit as humanly possible. Why had he needed to know?

It wasn't even that that bugged you, it was that he didn't do the hard work himself. He had his friends reach out, telling you how amazing you were doing in life compared to him. He'd started to create a family while you were out chasing the stars, mirroring the person you'd always hoped to be.

With your back still facing him, you reached for your champagne glass, sipping slowly, sending polite smiles to those around you, passing to go and say their congratulations to him.

Alice approached you, a soft hand touching your upper arm, her eyes knowing, 'You're uncomfortable, aren't you?' she asked skeptically.

'I am, but I'll be okay. It's just a lot to take in after the last month and a half.' you smiled softly at Alice, taking in to account the way her green eyes softened in defeat. She hated putting you in a position you didn't want to be in. 'Really, Al. I'll be okay,' you nodded, 'Go on, go mingle.' you laughed, waving her away.

Alice left quietly, worried eyes trained on you as she made her way through the crowd. Your eyes followed her movements, now facing the buzzing crowd growing around Calum and Claire. He had her hand around her waist, her left hand sparkling with a diamond. They looked happy, matched, and united. You were happy for them, with everything in your being.

Your smile caught you off guard, lifting the glass back to your lips. Your sparkling eyes travelled around the faces, glass held just under your chin. The yellow sun dress you picked out was clinging to your body, the late afternoon heat slowly leaving the air. Glancing up at the sky, watching birds take flight above, you smiled to yourself. The smell of summer had been intoxicating to you as a young girl, but now at twenty-four, the feeling had developed tenfold.

On your way out of the clouds, your eyes fell to the happy couple. Calum's eyes were on you, no trace of a smile. Your faint smile was still attached, slowly dimming. Polite, polite, polite. It returned, never reaching your eyes. Calum and Claire were starting to make their way through the excited chatter of new and old friends, making you step back slightly; bracing yourself for the inevitable conversation.

Claire was the first to speak up as you smiled politely, 'I'm guessing you heard. We're engaged!' she squealed, holding her wedding ring up to your face. 'Isn't it just divine?! Calum had it hand made, isn't that the sweetest?' she gushed.

'Congratulations to the both of you. I'm so happy for you both,' you smiled, genuinely meaning it. 'Wishing you the best with the wedding planning, must be so exciting.' you continued, praying you were keeping up the polite act you'd decided to embody.

'Oh yes,' Claire started. Calum said nothing, eyes never leaving you. 'We have a little one on the way,' she beamed, her right hand dropping Calum's left to stroke her barely there bump.

'Congratulations, you must be so happy!' you gushed, hoping to return the excitement, this time meeting Calum's gaze.

His smile didn't meet his eyes; he looked much like you felt. 'We are so happy.' she smiled again. You returned it, nodding, taking a small sip of your flute of champagne.

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