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Quickening your pace, you sludge through the settling snow towards Gobber's shop "Ello, lass!" He calls, you ignore him, going straight to the fire, sticking your hands out towards the heat, Gobber chuckles at you "cold?" You shiver "just a tad."
"I don't actually need ya today, it's pretty quiet." He says before chucking a red hot blade blade onto the table "ah, so I left my warm cozy bed for nothing?" You sigh a bit too loudly "not really, I'm sure Mystique wants a fly."
"No, She's being a real Madame this morning."
Gobber shakes his head "you don't have to leave, there's just nothing for you to do." He attaches his large hammer and begins whacking the blade. You sat and watched him until midday when your stomach started to growl. Food it was.
None of the food seemed to tickle your fancy, you took a few pieces of fruit along with a cup of warm yak milk and sat down.
"Is it just me or does it feel extra cold today?" Snotlout questions before shivering "tell me about it." You grumble, tucking your knees to to your chest, curling into a ball on the small seat, holding the warm cup to your lips "I got out of bed for nothing today."
"Come on guys, embrace the winter! You should be used to it by now." Astrid laughs "it's never been THIS cold." You hiss "welcome to Berk. Although it hasn't been this chilly in a few years. This is rather extra."
"Hey Snotlout, can I borrow Hookfang until it warms up?" You ask, he scoffs "no way! He's mine! try Gustav. I'm sure if you flutter your eyelashes at him he will gladly hand over FangHook."
"Ew gross! he's what...15?"
"What's all this?" Hiccup asks, sitting beside you "Snotlout is being a meanie and not sharing his dragon." you pout "he's not a toy." Snotlout replies with an eye roll "and I'm not a cougar." You sneer "Hookfang can set himself on fire for gods sake! Don't be selfish Snotty, we are all freezing to death here!"
"snotty? Ha love it!" Tuffnut cuts in. Snotlout rolls his eyes again "well excuse me, but I have a dragon to ride!" He stands up "wait for me!" You call "no, go away!" He yells as you chase him out the doors before Hiccup could process what was going on.
"Please Snotlout? Mystique is being lazy today, I promise I'll wrap up extra warm and not annoy you." You beg, Snotlout releases a long sigh. "What? Am I too annoying?" You tease, he shoots you a glare "sorry if I want to hang out with you!" You raise your arms in surrender, Snotlout shakes his head "Wrap up then. Can't really say no can I?"
"So where do you usually go?" You ask from behind Snotlout "anywhere really." He shrugs "Hookfang likes peaceful long flights." The wind seemed to be picking up, you shiver a bit, rubbing up and down your arms "this doesn't seem good." Snotlout gulps "do you think a blizzard is coming?"
"I have a bad feeling, yes."
Snotlout gestures Hookfang to turn back, a few minutes later, the wind picks up even more, snow mixed in, blowing against you, Hookfang was a big dragon, but the wind was even making him sway. He jolts suddenly taking Snotlout by surprise, he looses his balance slipping off his saddle "Snotlout!" You scream, he quickly disappears in the blizzard "Hookfang, get him!" You call, taking control. The dragon flies down, quickly grabbing his rider with his claws "am I dead?" He asks, holding onto his helmet "no, you're fine." You call, peeking over Hookfangs side.

Snotlout couldn't really move, he had to hang there. Hookfang was too concentrated on not being blown away or loose Snotlout from his grip. You also holding on for dear life, through your squinted eyes, some trees came into view "Hookfang, ahead!" You call, the dragon nods flying towards the island. You quickly spot a cave. Hookfang lands, quickly moving Snotlout in front of him so he wouldn't get blown away by the harsh winds.
"Well, looks like we are stuck for a while." You sigh, flopping down onto the cold ground, curling up. You were competent frozen, lips blue, ears numb, snow stuck to your hair, you couldn't stop shivering.
The cave seemed to have been occupied by someone else before, a half burned pile of rocks and sticks sat in the middle. Hookfang blasts it gently, you and Snotlout quickly scurry to the fire trying to warm up your frozen bodies.
Hours pass and the storm was showing no signs of dying down, what a fun day this had turned out to be. The fire soon burned out as well "well that's perfect!" Snotlout groans feeling the cold creep back onto him "this is it. This is how we die!" You pat his shoulder re assuringly "we will be fine, this storm can't go on forever." Just then a loud growl echoes throughout the cave, maybe just fruit wasn't enough. You sigh patting your stomach "you were saying?" Snotlout snickers "I'll eat you." You warm, he lays on his back, still laughing "you know, I never told you how cool you are." You lay beside him, giving him a smirk "oh really?"
"You're pretty badass to be honest, sure when you first came here it was like talking to a brick wall...but now, I'm glad Hiccup brought you here." He tilts his head smiling at you, your cheeks flush "I'm not that badass." He snorts at you "you don't believe in yourself very much do you?"
"I mean, I spent my childhood taking care of myself, I didn't hang out with anyone my age, I was mostly alone. So I never really knew how to talk to people." you say softly, starring at the cold gray ceiling "Hiccup told us about your parents. That sucks man." You look back at him "I was angry at them, but they really regret leaving me in a shadows. It's tradition where I'm from only males can be chiefs. Even though I'm the older sibling, the chief role would be passed my brother. That didn't bother me, what bothered me was my parents put all their attention onto my brother. When I needed them, they were always too busy either with the village or him. Eventually I stopped trying. Just got on with my life."
"They neglected you though." Snotlout pips in "not completely, I still had a home with them, they fed me, gave me a bed to sleep in. I just wasn't their priority. Which is stupid as I believe you should treat all your children equally. You decided to bring them into this world, they didn't ask to be born, they look up to you and it's so important the things you teach them. You are helping them build their future."

Fire and ice (hiccupxreader) COMPLETEDTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon