Into the skies

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There you were, speeding through the sky, your large jet black wings balancing you with the wind, Mystique flying beside you. The whole world at your feet, no cares, no worries. Sun shining, clear skies. Everything was perfect...until.

WHACK "wake up!" Of course, you plummet back to earth and it's shit reality. Not bothering to even open your eyes you pull the cover over your head "wake up, lazy pants!" Hiccup chants, you grunt in response "(y/n)" he whines grabbing the covers flinging them off your body, you yelp grabbing a pillow flinging it at him, smacking him in the face "what do you want?" You growl "woah, relax grumpy." He laughs picking the pillow up "I have something to show you," he tosses the pillow back at you "can it wait?" You shove the pillow on top of your head and smother your face into the other one "if you knew what it was you wouldn't be saying that." He replies, you lift the pillow off, that caught your attention "is it really worth getting out of bed for?" You ask groggily "yes, it may also help if I told you who's bed you are currently in." He crosses his arms, stupid grin plastered on his face. You blink a few times finally looking around. Oh shit "how the hell did I end up here?" You scream, Hiccup erupts into more laughter "we must have fallen asleep at some point when I was showing you more of my journals last night. My papers were all over the floor." He smirks shaking his head "you drool by the way." He leans forward becoming eye level with you , mischievous gleam in his eye "whatever, liar." You grumble shooting death glares at him "you wait until I catch you asleep, I'm sure you're no princess." You pout, he rolls his eyes "you've had a 3 chances now, or are you too nice to say anything? I know I did have night terrors for a few weeks after my dad died though, crying and screaming in my sleep. Mum could hear it from her room. She said she would hold me until I went quiet again, sometimes she had to wake me up." His face sinks, you sit up "Hiccup." He shakes his head "never mind that though, get ready." He winks and stands up "I'll feed the dragons before they starve, shall I?" He calls, you fling the pillow at him again, he dodges it, running out the door laughing.
"So what do you want to show me?" You yawn, Hiccup rolls his eyes "it's not that early, what's wrong with you?" He nudges you "we stayed up late okay? I'll wake up more soon." You sigh "oh I'm sure this will wake you up." He chirps, you stare at him confused, the two of you walked over to Gobber's shop "Gobber!" Hiccup calls, Gobber appears, covered in leather "aha, hello there! I assume you're here for (y/n)?" He asks, Hiccup nods "it's out the back!" Gobber yells as he disappears again "go to the back room." Hiccup gently pushes you forward.
"Hiccup, if this is some sort of prank, I swear to god, your laughter will be your last breath." You turn to him "oh come on, I'm not that mean." He chuckles "now go, look behind the fabric." You turn back moving the cloth to the side. Your mouth instantly dropping open. Was that? "Are you serious?" You squeak, spinning round to face him, he smiles pressing his finger under your chin "you'll catch flies." He gently pushes up, closing your mouth, you couldn't hold back your happiness. You jump into his arms, wrapping your legs around his back, sobbing into his shoulder "thank you so much, it's perfect." You were overwhelmed, Hiccup holds you tightly "I knew how much it meant to you, how much work you put into it, and how upset you were when, you know, so I've been in here secretly repairing it." He says running his hand down your long hair.
Gobber peaks his head round the corner, sees you two, smiles and goes back to his work. "you know, I'm never letting go, right?" You muffle, he laughs "well how are you going to test your new saddle?" You lift your head "oh yeah." You wriggle so he would let you go "let's take this bad boy out!" You squeal, jumping up and down.
"Holy hell this thing is comfy!" You call "it is indeed, had to make sure it fit perfectly, although Toothless didn't appreciate being the model, did you bud?" Hiccup teases looking down at his dragon who just scoffs "What do you think, girl?" You ask peering down at Mystique, she replies with a happy noise "let's test it. You know what to do." You lower your body closer to hers, Mystiques flies upwards spinning, stopping and back flipping as she begins to fall, you screaming with joy. Hiccup even added an optional extra strap to make sure you would definitely stay on, since Mystique seemed obsessed with turning mid air. Toothless flies up beside you, gummy smiling, Mystique shoots a blast ahead of her then let's out a high pitched roar "someone's happy!" Hiccup laughs. For hours you showed each other different types of flying, the dodging, Hiccup had to show off his flying suit. He jumps off Toothless's back plummeting towards the ocean, Toothless right beside him, he pulls a string, wings appearing on his arms, legs, even his back, he swiftly comes floating back up to your height. He salutes at you making you giggle, he lands back onto Toothless, clicking his Prosthetic back in, the two of you swerving past mountains flying low to just above the ocean where water dragons were diving in and out the water. One of them splashes its tail, cold sea water drenching you. Mystique not finding it as funny as you "you'll dry off." You chuckle, petting her head. She sneezes some water out of her nose and flaps her wings to go back to higher skies.
You arrive back on Berk, Mystique still sulking about getting wet, you pat her again then turn to Hiccup "thank you again, Hiccup. You honestly didn't have to do that for me." You mumble, cheeks heating up "what are friends for?" He replies ruffling your hair "hey leave my hair out of this." You punch his arm "you know you can't win." He grabs your legs and flings you over his shoulder "hey put me down!" You squeal, wiggling against him "no, I'm fine carrying you." He chuckles taking you towards the great hall. "People are staring." You hiss, still wiggling "and what?" He carries on walking.
"Will you two just admit you love eachother already?" Snotlout yells from the hall doors "now now, Snotlout, remember. They're both blind and in denial." Tuffnut replies, nudging him "oh yeah." Snotlout chuckles "although, I think it's just (y/n) in denial." Hiccup finally puts you down "and now all the blood is in my head." You groan holding your head, vision slightly blurry, Hiccup chuckles softly and brushes some hair from your eyes "shall we, m'lady?" He steps to the side allowing you to walk in first,"
"Such a gentleman." You giggle as you enter, he smiles softly "and there we have it!" Tuffnut says suddenly standing right next to Hiccup making him jump "Jesus Tuffnut don't do that," hiccup gasps "don't what? Notice the clear chemistry going on between two young souls? Sorry Hiccup no can do. The sparks are too big."
Hiccup rolls his eyes "I meant, don't sneak up on me." He grumbles "oh young Hiccy. Such denial." Tuffnut sighs resting his arm on the brunettes shoulder "right, okay." Hiccup shuffles the arm off him and goes into the hall.

Fire and ice (hiccupxreader) COMPLETEDHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin