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Yay... everyone's favourite part...

1. A shoutout on your message board- this is only to increase awareness of this contest, and get more people to enter

2. You may follow us if you'd like, but this is not compulsory, only if you want to!

3. You may add TheDaisyAwards2020 as a tag to your book, so that it is easier for us to find!

4. Add this book to your library and public reading list

5. You can enter a maximum of 3 books, but they MUST BE IN DIFFERENT GENRES

6. Do not be rude, offensive or mean. Blackmailing and bribing is also not tolerated. IF YOU ARE FOUND GUILTY OF ANY OF THESE THINGS, YOU WILL BE DISQUALIFIED!

7. The password is "EXPELLIARMUS" (Can you tell that we LOVE Harry Potter...?)

8. No mature content please! 

9. Books must have 5k reads or less to enter! 

10. 10 entries will be accepted for each genre, and only the first 5 chapters will be judged (excluding cast and Author's note)... only 1 chapter for one-shots (obviously), 3 chapters for poetry, and the first 5 pieces for art... if there are less than 10 entries, we will accept the fist 5 entries and there will only be 1st place prize!

11. Your book must be in English

That's all for now! If we think of any other rules, we will add them in later!

Bye for now,

Saf and Haj xx

The Daisy Awards 2020 (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now