Art results

62 6 6


First of all, a huge congratulations to everyone who entered, you all did so, so well! Let me tell you, it was super close, only a few points in it! 

In the end, I really couldn't choose between two entries, so I have decided to award both of them first place:

1st place- ClaireCooper16 - My Art

1st place- semonti20 - Art Book

As I mentioned earlier, the participants have been waiting a while for this, and I really do apologise for that, so I decided to keep it at 5 entries!

Also, when I say I couldn't choose, I REALLY couldn't. I sat there for a while trying to make a decision and I just couldn't! 

If you would like to know your individual scores and feedback, please contact me!

Both judge and winners, to claim your sticker and book cover (if you would like one), please contact TheLearningSpirit 

I was seriously blown away by all of your artistic capabilities, I honestly didn't expect to see such amazing artwork by such talented artists!

All that's left to say is thank you so much for participating and supporting me with this, you all are amazing!

Bye for now,

Saf and Haj xx

The Daisy Awards 2020 (COMPLETED)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن