eighteen 🥀

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Zayn was sitting on the floor, that being covered by newspaper so the paint won't ruin the carpet or the tile, when Harry peeked in after his class that day. Zayn didn't have class that made him stayed for hours doing his work for project. He smiled so lovely when he saw him and he motioned for him to come in. Colours of different shades plastered on his white shirt and denim pants.

"I brought shawarma, thought you might be hungry." Harry told him, before he can get fully inside of the room. He placed his bag down on a chair near a study table, and took off his shoes lazily, setting it aside.

Zayn walked closer to him, his hands went over slightly on Harry's waist, careful to put any painting on his dress. He would kiss him softly as he missed him for the day. Harry would tense a bit of his touches, Zayn knew this. He was careful of his actions, knowing Harry was new in this form. But they would smile at each other.

"What are you doing?" Harry asked him, looking over the canvas, seeing blue, red, orange, and yellow colours prying one another on each stroke.

"It was our kindergarten." Zayn followed suit, looking down on the canvas as well, he felt a smile drawn to Harry's face. "Too colorful." He added, looking at Harry now.

"What made you get that idea for your course project?" Harry asked, covering his heated cheeks, going over the table where he placed the bag of shawarma.

Zayn lend back to another table across Harry, his hands clamped on both edge of it, letting him up, still. "You." He stared at Harry's back.

It was like a boiling water had down from stove being turned off, but then needs to be heated again. His cheeks turned crimson, darker than earlier. He shakes the giddiness away, trying to light up the air he was breathing in. Zayn would grin at his cheesiness, able to win over Harry's blushing sight.

"How was your portfolio?" Zayn asks, trying to ease Harry up after he made him blushed to the edge. Chuckling slightly.

"Finishing it." Harry answered simply, still hiding his face, unable to calm his nerves down. Zayn giggled at him, "hey, you're so cute." Reaching up to him.

Harry would swat him away. "Stop it!" He scolded. Zayn being the goof he is, would lock Harry between his arms until he surrenders. Zayn would put some kisses on his shoulders.

They kiss then and there every time they are alone. Harry would love how Zayn's lips were so warm against his, and would blush so hard when he was feeling Zayn's hard, and he would control himself and they would end up spooning or cuddling under covers. Harry loves Zayn being careful around him and gentle. But sometimes, he feels sick when Zayn would stop himself over something not really a big deal because he was just being considerate for him. It's not like they knew each other few months back, they grew up together so it would not make sense in any way.

After eating shawarma even so messily, the two lied down on Zayn's bed, his arms under Harry's head, and his other hand would play at his soft curls. The canvas left untouched an hour ago, leaving the brushes still stained.

"You know what," harry hummed, telling he was listening, "I was thinking what to do on our first date." He admitted. Harry looked up at him, a smile forming, they both are excited about it, especially Harry.

"I don't want it to be like the other having dinner at a fancy restaurant, or going in the cinemas with popcorns and sodas." Zayn's brows knitted together in the middle, like he was thinking deeply. Harry kissed the thoughts away.

"It would be fine. As long I am with you." He told him to make him comfortable.

Zayn smiled, his tongue coming in between. "I thought about something for real." He beamed proudly at himself.

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