"That's all I wanted to hear," Ree's words were as calm as the sea just after a turbulent storm. The look of confusion on the young man's face told Ree that she needed to explain it further, "not a single time after I saw you, have you tried to say that you're sorry or that you regret it. I wanted to hear you say it and mean it." Tears were still present on his cheeks.

"I mean it so fucking bad, Ree." He stood up from his seat and neared her, "I never want to lose you again." Before he could fully embrace the platinum blonde woman, she put a hand on his chest, stopping him from completing the action. The look on her face told him that he probably wasn't going to get that hug.

"You probably want to take that back," Ree took a breath of courage as she readied herself for being the bad guy, "because something happened on Canto Bight."


"...And I slept with Hux." Ree expected Kylo to lash out, destroy the entirety of the room and then kill both her and Hux. But after telling him of everything, from the moment she walked out on him to her returning from Canto Bight, he just sat there. If she would have read his thoughts, she would have heard nothing. So shocked by the fact that he couldn't think of anything to ask back but a simple, "why?"

"I thought revenge would make me feel better." Now it was Ree, who could feel tears rolling down her cheeks, "it clearly didn't."

"Why with him? Out of everyone on this base?" Anger built up inside of the Master of the Knights of Ren.

"Just the person who I thought would piss you off the most." It was partly true, from the start it was that but when she had gotten closer to Hux, she wasn't as confident in that it was the only reason.

"Well, you certainly succeeded with that," Kylo spat and rose from his seat. he paced around the room, not knowing what to do with himself and all the emotions he was feeling at the same time.

"There's more-" Ree was cut off by a pissed of Ky.

"Oh, you're gonna tell me that you slept with Phasma too? And Snoke? And the whole fucking Supremacy?!" The thought of Hux holding, kissing, making love to the same person Kylo loved doing all those things with disgusted him. Imagining Hux on Ree's lips, would he even be able to kiss her lips after that?

"Oh, that's low!" she snapped and now she rose up, "well two can play this game! Maybe you and Poe Dameron could go flying together? Or you could train with the scavenger? Perhaps you could hang out with your mom?" 

"Don't talk about her!" He roared as he quickly closed the space between them. His hand was so close to her face, trembling with anger, he wanted to do unspeakable things with it.

"Maybe you could take some Force-lessons from your uncle?" She took a step even closer to him, his breaths were making her bangs move.

"Shut up!" He yelled into the blonde's face, she didn't budge an inch.

"Or how's your dad doing? Oh, right, he's dead." A quick response came from Kylo, in the form of the back of his hand making contact with Ree's cheek. 

The force of the slap and sent Ree flying to the floor. Hot blood trickled down from a cut on her cheekbone, she winced in pain as she brought her hand up to try to stop the bleeding. It only caused the blood to stain her fingers. Kylo was again pacing back and forth, he regretted the slap, though he still thought she deserved it.

Slowly, Ree rose from the floor, wiping away the blood. Once again, Kylo predicted her actions wrongly, he thought she was once again was going to storm off, that he had fucked it all up once again, but she remained. "This is why I didn't stay with Hux that morning," Ree's words confused Kylo even more as he came to a halt, where was the yelling? "you going behind my back, me sleeping with Hux, this slap." Ree walked up to Kylo, you would think that she would feel fear, but if you thought that a little slap was enough to scare Ree Keelor away, you clearly didn't know everything she had been through. "We're both assholes." Kylo was dumbstruck, "two people who are hated by everyone. Your parents sent you away, mine abandoned me. Your uncle tried to kill you, I didn't even have one. Rey hates you, Poe Dameron hates me. Hux can't even stand being in the same room as us. No one can ever love us. So we have to love each other. And if we don't even have each other, then we are truly alone." Tears were now coming down both their faces, they both knew it was true. The blonde closed the small space between them, cupping her love's cheeks, awaiting his response. 

Kylo thought back to what the scavenger had called him, murderous snake, monster, he was all of that, and so was Ree. Two monsters alone in a world that hated them. They were nothing without each other "I need you." His words weren't louder than a whisper, his hands trembling as he brought them up to the back of her neck.

"And I need you," and with that, they closed the last distance between each other. Their lips connected as they had done thousands of times, but no time had ever felt like this, so desperate, honest and raw. Two individuals who would never be understood by anyone but each other.

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