Day 1 || Jimin's Entry

Start from the beginning

I saw Seulgi, Rose, and Soara

"Well this is going to be fun"

I sat at the investigating room with Jin and Seulgi was up first

"So Seulgi where were you yesterday?"

Seulgi rolled her eyes

"We're at the classroom, we were just chitchatting, doesn't mean if we're enemies, we would do stuff like that to her"

Jin looked at me and nodded

"Is this familiar to you?"

I showed her a bracelet and Seulgi widened her eyes

I smirked, just by the little reaction she gives, it already makes sense to us.

We aren't stupid

She coughed

"I have never seen that bracelet my entire life"

She averted her gaze at us

"Very well, you can go out"

She immediatly stood up and left, then Soara entered

"I will get this straight have you seen this bracelet before?"

Soara's eyes widened also

"N-no n-never"

I chuckled

"Bad liar I see, you may go"

Soara stood up and left as well, last one Rose

Rose had a different face, she was calm.

"Rose have you seen this before?"

I showed her the bracelet

She tilted her head

"Yes" I was shocked and so was Jin

"Who's the owner of this?" I asked her


How is she not budging?

"Me, Seulgi and Soara kicked Y/N, she got a coma because Seulgi kicked her head. I didn't do anything wrong, I'm here to tell the truth"

I looked at her in disbelief

"Why are you doing this?"

She massaged her head

"Sooner or later your gonna find out anyways, what's the point of lying?"

I nodded at her response

"So is this it?"

She looked at me for a long time

"I actually have a request"

I looked at Jin if it's okay and he nodded at me

Bad Boy Meets Trouble Maker |• Jimin ff ✓Where stories live. Discover now