- twelve -

157 4 0

third person
you all got settled in the van, you next to minho and a window hyunjin next to minho, jisung and felix behind chan, jeongin and seungmin in front of you two, and chan and changbin in the front. "do you all have your valuables? phones? clothes?" chan asks before starting the van everyone said yes. he said okay and started the van.
"minho can i ask you something?" you asked hoping you weren't disturbing him, "yeah of course, what's up y/n?" he turned his attention to you, "do you know why jisung is acting how he is?" you weren't sure how to explain but he didn't seem right to you.

"he's probably fine, just give him time y/n maybe he'll come around to you again, who knows maybe you two will get married." he said laughing, marriage wasn't a big thought on your mind. considering you were only a high school student, we're you even considered a student still?
"look y/n i know your stressing over this, why don't we when we get to the other dorms we take a walk together okay? i'll try to explain what i know to you the best i can." minho offered.

you nodded, you weren't sure how you were going to learn about the other members. especially if there's a supposed attack happening. "y/n! play rock paper scissors with me!" seungmin exclaimed waking a sleeping jeongin up who was now glaring at him. you laughed at the sight and nodded, "i heard your conversation from earlier." seungmin said as you two started playing, "you did?" you asked you weren't sure how to feel. it's not like it was personal or anything, "minho hyung might catch feelings for you, be careful." he said lowly.

you couldn't think of minho as more than an older brother, "i know someone who already likes you, and i just want the best for you, please don't feel pressured by any of what they say." seungmin continued, you didn't really get to talk to seungmin beforehand but talking to him now, "seungmin do you think you can jist talk with me until we get there? about anything." you asked, you didn't want to listen to silence. minho fell asleep, hyunjin was asleep already, and everyone else was doing whatever.

seungmin nodded and turned around in his seat, "y/n i never got a proper introduction about who you are so why not start there!" he said he seemed genuinely excited to learn about you, "well uh i'm y/l/n y/n, im 17 i'm from seoul, i enjoy photography and writing, my parents were always nice i guess maybe a little too nice. i cant remember anything past the age of 10 sadly though, i enjoy reading as well." you explained, he looked interested. then his eyes lit up, "you like photography too?? oh my god maybe we can go on adventures together and take lots of pictures!" he said excitedly, you laughed and nodded, "what about you seungmin? tell me about yourself." you asked.

"well, i'm kim seungmin, i'm 19 years old, chan took me in when i was younger, my parents didn't necessarily care about me like a parent should, they would try to use me as bait to get what they wanted since i was a cute baby, but i'm glad i'm with stray kids now. photography is my favourite thing, i enjoy singing and i also enjoy reading!" he exclaimed, his story seemed familiar, his name seems familiar too.
"your parents seem awful, they're missing out on an amazing person now." you said happily, you couldn't tell if you were about to black out, until you heard a voice call out, "hey y/n are you okay? what happened?" seungmin asked then everything went black.

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