Deadly Euro Crisis Poem

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Let me tell you a story

About how EU lost it’s glory!

To form a new currency, they all came together

Did they fanthom, the cloudy weather.

PIIGS came happily, relinquishing it’s money

 Why did you turn so greedy, Oh Honey!

Soon, big credit they got

Thought, had hit jack-pot!

Put it all in non-revenue generating stuff

Now,to reduce the huge deficit has become so tough.

Who told them to have fun and merry

After all, they cannot to afford to buy a single berry.

Bond rates are at all time low

Investors with them, do not want to tow.

Austerity measures they have to apply

Till, when will ECB loans at zero interest rate supply.

EU crisis has spelled doom

Has stopped the world-wide boom!

PIIGS, will you leave EU, how will you strive….

What will you do in order to be alive!


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