What it takes to shatter a Mind

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Begrudgingly his sticky eyes and saw himself in front of a friendly face which was partly covered with thick bandages, with a grey eye that twinkled amused and half white, half red hair.

Izuku felt how his cheeks heated up as his lips stretched to form a drowsy grin.
"Mornin' Shouchan. Did you sleep well?"

The other boy examined him for a while before smiling slightly. It was a tense and thin thing - as if his muscles weren't used to be moved like that.

"I did indeed sleep well. You're like a big, fluffy Teddy."

Izuku rubbed his eyes and felt how his brain started to boot up to usable gears before grinning wider.

"Sounds good. If you'd ever like to cuddle, just ask - I like to help."

Shouto nodded seriously and his eyes fell onto the external fixator in Izuku's arm.
"Does it hurt?"

The greenette inspected the metal frame.
"It's bearable. It's just strange to know that it's 'in' me and that that's just covered by some bandages. Besides that, it's pinching and itching and obviously annoying."

The boy nodded and pointed at his face as he explained: "Mine's itching, too. But at least I know I should get used to how everything looks right now."

Izuku's eyes were blown wide and he took Shoutos face in his hands to pull the other down and closer to himself.

"Your eye is broken?", was what he asked after a long inspection of the clean bandages.

The taller boy hummed affirmative and caused that Izuku pinched his face into a concentrated expression, but he still did not let go.

"Then I'm going to be your eye! That way we'll have three and three are better than two!", exclaimed the little boy determined and threw both his arms into the air, his hands balled into fists.

Shouto chuckled and shook his head in his mind.

Izuku was so amazingly positive, honest, and happy it was almost unbelievable that there weren't some rainbows, sparkles, and flowers floating around him all the time.

He did not like the thought that his roommate would be forced to meet his father sooner or later - that meeting would likely destroy the other boy.

All in all; the thought about what his father had told him about the world out there, about what his father was to this world... he could not stand the idea that a literal Angel had been thrown into this chaos of violence and hate.

As far as he had seen he would not even be surprised if humans would have their fun with ripping Izuku apart slowly and torturously, pulling out one feather after the other until beautiful wings were crippled and bloody - unable to fly ever again.

I have to protect him!

It was a panicked thought.
He had to protect Izuku.
He had to protect this source of pure light before they could destroy it before it was too late.

He already is at the hospital which means someone already hurt him.
How could that happen?!

Calm down, Shouto.
Now that you know him you'll be able to protect him.

He took hold of the injured arm hesitantly and pulled it in front of his face.

"Would you tell me how this happened?", investigated the boy haltingly.

He did not want his new, first, best friend to feel cornered or threatened because of the question.

To his bewilderment, his inquiry caused that Izuku looked awkward and ashamed rather than panicky.

[UNFINISHED] Black Death Doctor - It could have been worse End (English)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu