Midoriya vs. Todoroki

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"Dad? Why can't we go and see Izuku and Inko? I miss them."

Enji would actually really like to know the answer to that as well. 

It had been a month since Inko had left her message on his phone and every time they met, which happened quite regularly, the woman looked more broken and exhausted and Izuku was getting more and more nervous and jittery. 

Shouto tried to talk to Izuku. 
Enji had tried to talk to Izuku. 
Even Natsuo and Fuyumi tried!
But he distracted them, sometimes even outright asked to drop the subject - but at least he showed a reaction. 

Every time Enji tried to mention something to Inko, she put it on hold and pretended he had never said anything in the first place. 

It was hard to pull himself together, to not lash out, to not simply force the truth out of them, to not grab Izuku and drag him into the training room and work him into the ground long enough for the boy to give up the information all on his own.

And even if Izuku was healthy and unharmed now, he looked so much more unhappy than on the days when he returned with bruises and scratches from preschool. 

The hero fundamentally doubted that the distress really was due to the lack of pain. 

"I don't know, but Inko asked us to do it, and we should respect her request."

But the redhead's nerves and self-control became thinner with every other meeting with the Midoriyas' and finally, his hand closed a little too tight around Izuku's upper arm when Inko left them alone for a moment and he dragged the boy in front of his face to finally demand an answer, but the green-haired boy had just burst into tears and Endeavor let go of the child as if he had burned himself on his skin.

Shouto was the only one who had seen it and he refused to talk to him or even look at him all day.  

And then, two days later, Izuku Midoriya was standing barefoot and only in an oversized shirt at their doorstep, with a runny nose and tears in his eyes. 
The soles of his feet were scratched and bloody from the long way they had endured without any protection.

Izuku played with the hem of his "dress" and never looked up when he sat on the sofa.

"Mum has forbidden me to talk to you about it.", 
he said, sobbing quietly,
"B-but - but I'm getting really scared at home! A-and Mum is never there and I'm not allowed to go out or to preschool and I just keep hearing that something is happening outside, but I don't know what! Mum will be so disappointed when she hears that I'm gone. B-but I ... I don't want to go back! I don't like home anymore! "

The hero nodded slowly and carefully raised a hand to ruffle the boy's hair. 
When he approached, the kid with the curly hair pulled back first, but then the child calmed down and when Enji stroked his head, the boy even leaned into his touch.

"You'll have to go back... But, how about you stay a little longer and spend some time with Shouto? I'll drive you as close to your neighborhood as possible later. And of course, your mum can't find out about it. This visit stays between us.", the man whispered the last part conspiratorially, which made Izuku grin enthusiastically at him. 

"Okay!" The boy shouted and then stormed off, his curls bouncing with each step, to look for Shouto. 

Endeavor straightened and looked after Izuku as he darted around a corner. 

He was definitely concerned now. 
Izuku was afraid to be home. To be in the one place that had been safest for him - safe enough to even use as Shouto's safe haven. 

He knew how much time Inko spent with his wife, and it wasn't enough for the mother to leave her son alone all day. 

Something was wrong and that - whatever it was - was also the reason for Izuku's nervousness and Inko's exhaustion. 

[UNFINISHED] Black Death Doctor - It could have been worse End (English)Where stories live. Discover now