he sprinted like no tomorrow to the small pathway like opening, not looking back. the teachers loud yells died off once he made his way to the bleachers and into the pool of students.

looking back he didn't see anyone following him, which made him sigh in relief.

making his way through all the student to the very front was a struggle, but he managed. finding chan was easy since you don't exactly see every other student wearing a bright red leather jacket with a black shirt with some rock band on it and a fake bottom lip piercing.

instead of a boring basic greeting, byeongkwan slapped him on the back of his head. chan immediately turned around with a cry of pain but the older only stood next to him innocently as if he did nothing but breathe.

"ouch, that hurt you birdshit."

deciding to ignore the weird, yet pretty insulting in byeongkwans view remark, the small boy stood next to chan leaning on the railing.

"am i late? did the game start already?"

"yes, yes you are. our team had a strong start thanks to donghun and yuta. oh, and hyunjin did very well at taking the ball from the opposite team when they were on our side."

byeobgkwan hummed at all of the information he received. he might not be a soccer player, but he liked the sport very much. he even tried joining a team when he was younger but because he was so small and looked fragile the coach didn't except him into the team no matter how much he begged him for it.

he came out of his head space when he heard everybody behind him beginning to scream, indicating that their team just got a point.

wasting no time, byeongkwan jumped on the railing in hopes of making himself look bigger and started yelling.

"go donghun! go yuta! go hyunjin! go- wait chan whats the name of our soccer team?"

you could hear small giggles and 'pffs' coming from all around where byeongkwan stood. even more of them came through when chan smacked his friend in the ass.

"ouch! what was that for??" byeongkwan asked chan as he rubbed him bum. his pouting face made chan roll his eyes and byeongkwan secretly hoped they would just get stuck there.

"how can you not know your own brothers soccer team name?? unbelievable." he shook his head in great disappointment.

"uNbEliBuBlE" byeongkwan mocked him. just as he was about to turn around and ask again, he saw a ball fly his way. yes, very cliché. but the difference was that there was absolutely no way the ball could have hit byeongkwan. instead, it hit the railing he was standing on. you could tell how pleasantly low the budget for these railings was by how much they started shaking from the small impact. byeongkwan only realized he was slipping off of them when he was already in the air, falling. he could already imagine the scratches on his stomach, the unwashable stains on his long sleeve, and the multiple bruises that would form because of the fall. yes, his body was just that fragile.

"heh?" was all he said said when no pain was felt after 5 seconds of what he thought was falling.

instead of a rough, cold concrete his body was met with something much softer and comfortable and not to mention very warm.

"it's UNT."

he didn't even need to look at the boy because he already knew just by the voice who it was. looking up, he saw sehyoon who byeongkwan could swear was glowing. his platinum white hair parted in the middle and a smile so warm it can melt dark chocolate in seconds.

"huh?" byeobgkwan asked once again. confusion evident in his tone as his brain tried to make a time line of what just happened.

the little laugh sehyoon slipped was one of the prettiest things a human being can get a chance to hear. byeongkwan watched his every motion and he couldn't look away. "team."

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