chapter 24

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next day, friday.

"okay class, before you disappear out of my sight, i'm not going to give extra time to no one. monday after class is the due date for this sad excuse of a project and if you're not done then it's on you. now leave my class and take all your belongings or you may start looking for them in the trash can behind the school." mr. lee stops talking and looks around the class, no ones daring to even take a breath. "what are y'all waiting for? shoo shoo." he waved at everyone to leave and the students ran out of the class without looking back as if the teacher was the plague; meanwhile byeongkwan took his sweet time at putting all of his belongings in his backpack. the teacher eyed him suspiciously.

"kim byeongkwan. by far one of the only students who doesn't run out my classroom." mr. lee said carefully, checking his watch.

"mhm. i see no need to hurry. it's not like you're gonna eat me or give me more work. plus, i don't wanna risk forgetting my favorite pensil in the redundant hurry. am i right, mr.lee?" byeongkwan asked with an innocent smile as he put his pencil in the small pocket of his backpack. unlike other kids, byeongkwan didn't believe he needed a separate pencil box for a pen, highlighter, and a pencil. he would rather save the space for his small make up bag.

"this class has only 3 braincells and all of them belong to you." the teachers words made byeongkwan laugh. "i'm going to a meeting. lock the door with this key as you leave and drop it off at eujin office."

"eujin? you mean wan eujin? the nurse?" byeongkwan asked with excitement. "so the rumors about you two going out are true??"

mr.lee chocked on air. he definitely wasn't expecting such bluntness from a student, but knowing byeongkwan that was the only thing you can expect. the boy had no filter."that's none of your business young man."

clearly looking offended, he started rambling. "wah, she may only be in her mid thirties, but she's like a mom to me! of course it's my business." he protectively started, lip turning into a pout as the teacher threw daggers into him with his eyes.

"whatever. i'm leaving. you know what you need to do, right?" byeongkwan nodded, and the teacher left the class.

the small boy angrily stomped with his feet. "who is he to treat me like an intruder when i'm the one who set them up to begin with! unfair. unbelievable. disappointing."

he continued mumbling profanities under his breath; aware that everyone who was walking by probably thought that he's crazy. i mean, where's the lie?

"and to mrs.wans office we go~" byeongkwan happily sang as he locked the door with the key he was given and started walking to the nurses office with lights skips.

why was he so happy? first of, its friday. meaning that there's no school for two whole days and his little 'date' with sehyoon is happening in less then 24 hours.

w-wait no no byeongkwan, it's not a date! you're just repaying him for his kindness. any normal person would do the same, right?

still the giddy feeling in his stomach never left him. just the thought of spending a whole day with the tall blond made him feel so excited. don't ask, he didn't know why himself.

luckily for him, his last class was located close to his destination so he made it there pretty quick. happy and excited, he opened the door and jumped into the infirmary without even knocking. his voice ringing throughout the room.

"hello miss wan~!" the name rolled off of his tongue so effortlessly and affectionate. everyone in the school wished that's how their name would sound coming out of his mouth.

"hey byeongkwan, sweetheart!" the woman opened up her arms and byeongkwan took it as a welcoming cue to crash into them.

"i brought you a key from mister lee." kwan showed her the piece of metal, wiggling his eyebrows with a teasing smile.

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