chapter 20

291 20 13

donghuns pov

call me when you can asap.

today 5:38pm

don't worry, you didn't mess up anything.

after sending the text, i quickly get out of my bed and run to my closet to pick out an outfit to put on. i was going out to meet someone and didn't want to look like a potato that just got picked out of the ground.

"shit where's all my stuff?" i say while looking through my mostly empty wardrobe. "what the actual fuck though?" i look down on the ground to where there's usually a pile of clothes laying only to see nothing.

and only then do i remember that byeongkwan made me clean them up and throw them into the laundry basket.

"huyng, why do you never do your laundry?! can you even imagine how much your closet stinks?!! i cant even walk past it without scrunching up my nose and having my eyes tear up! i'm not your house wife for the love of god, throw that pile of clothes into the fuckin laundry basket before they end up in the garbage can and nothing will be able to save them!!!"

a laugh escapes my lips as i remembered the outrage that i have received from byeongkwan a couple of days prior. it's true that i always forget to do my laundry, but that's only because i'm a busy person.

i sigh as i look at the remaining few pieces of clothing i have left. on the hangers there was a couple of dress shirts and my regular 'bad boy' vibe outfit that i decided to save for school. i look on the shelves and see a couple of knitted sweaters and dress pants that i kept from the times that were all the way from "back then". nowadays i would never ever in my life wear to public. i have got a reputation to keep, after all.

"ahh fuck it." i mutter as i grab one of the folded brown sweaters and black skinny jeans with a few rips here and there. a belt and a watch as accessories. when i take my slightly wet long sleeve off, i stare at the necklace that's dangling off my neck in a debate if i should keep on or not.

i quickly put on the clothes, and grab my wallet and keys to my car and the house.

"byeongkwan im leaving. will be back by not sure when but i will be back." i yell as i run down the wooden stairs of our house.

i know he heard me because by the time i get to my car i receive a text saying 'ok but please don't do anything stupid. and if you do, PLEASE use protection.'

i laugh and start the ignition.

3rd person pov

jun was busy doing his homework when a knock on the door distracted him.

he wondered who it might have been since he wasn't expecting anyone and no one ever comes to see him. he walks to the door to open it and flinches when he saw what was behind it.

there stood a huge bouquet of many many peach colored carnations, small white flowers and decorative green leaves. it was simple yet well balanced, much to juns liking. but the person behind the bouquet was even more to his likings, even though he would never admit it.

"hello beautiful." donghun smiles and hands jun the flowers. "for you."

"what- donghun what are you doing here?!" jun exclaims as a pink blush spreads across his face.

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