chapter 17

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"hey byeongkwan!" chan yelled as he tried to catch up to his friend. "you haven't been answering my calls or messages at all throughout the weekend. you good?"

the older glares at his friend and ignores him completely. not sparing even a single glance.

"what is up with you? last time when you were this mad was when you lost the game of rock-paper-scissors and had to pay for our lunch." byeongkwan stops in his tracks and chan bumps into him.

"you left me to clean up the whole fuckin mess by my fucking self on friday!" he angrily explains and turns around to face the tall redhead.

"technically, it was your fault. you were the one who attacked."

"you little piece of shit-"

chan raises his hands in defense. "but i do apologize for not waiting for you. did you at least made it home by the time the storm started?"

"barely. all thanks to sehyoon, he helped me clean. if it wasn't for him i would probably be sick in bed right now." kwan says and opens his locker. inside laid a couple of love letters send to him by other students. he sighs loudly. "do people not get tired of sending these to you? do you yourself not get tired of them?"

the older shakes his head. "not at all. i like to read everyone of them. some i even save."

"you're so cheesy, yuk."

"and you're just salty cause you barely get any." i

"because they know that sending a love letter to chan is like purposely running into a brick wall." jun appears out of nowhere, startling the two younger boys and making byeongkwan laugh.

"and what is that supposed to mean?"

the older of the three shrugs his shoulders and opens his locker as well. they where lucky to all have lockers together in one area.

"any plans for the day?"

"mmm nope. but i think i might go to the library. i have a history test in a week and i'm like, confused." byeongkwan sleepishly smiles at his friends who nod in understanding.

"if you need help, let me know."

"thanks jun, but that will probably not be necessary. plus, i don't want to give you any more work. you're already overwhelmed with your finals and student council. plus i noticed donghun had been bothering you lately."

jun felt his heart skip a beat at the olders name. he remembered how on friday before leaving, donghun hugged and gave jun a peck on his head. face already flushing red just by thinking about it.

"a-alright. if you say so."

the three boys walk to their class. chan and jun having an argument if water is actually wet or not while byeongkwan was busy texting. in fact he was so busy, actually bumped into someone accidentally.

"watch where you going- oh byeongkwan?!" the guy who's face byeongkwan didn't ever recognize said in surprise, a pink tint now over his cheeks.

"uh hi. i'm sorry i wasn't paying attention." kwan apologized and bowed lightly. it was his fault, after all.

"no no it's all good! don't worry about it." the guy smiled shyly with his hand scratched the back of his head. the other three guys behind him snickered.

"okay, me and my friends will be going then. bye bye and sorry again." and as byeongkwan was about to turn around and leave the guy quickly grabbed onto his arm.

"um, if you have some free time later...." his face now glowing red. " you want to grab a bite? i know a really good place not far from here. my treat."

'of course it will be your treat. you're the one inviting me after all.' even though on the outside byeongkwan was smiling, mentally he was cursing and rolling his eyes. he's seen many people like him and by personal experience knows that these little dates and hook ups aren't his thing. "i'm afraid i have to refuse."

the guys smile visibly dropped and byeongkwan felt the squeeze on his arm tighten.

"oh are you seeing someone already or?"

"i believe that's none of your business. my friends and i are busy so we will be leaving now." he pulled his arm away from the stranger and the three boys left.

"why did you reject him?" chan asked out of pure curiosity.

"multiple reasons." byeongkwan answered, sighing in the process.

"what do you mean? that was chen over there. the only guy in this school who i know that can pull off a perm. the perfect boyfriend material and to whom girls line up everyday to ask out. and you just rejected him."

"he's not even half as decent as you think." and chan have byeongkwan a very questioning gaze.

"what do you mean? have you seen him just now? he was a blushing, melting mess over there trying to ask you out."

"channie, just how naive are you? by spending only a minute observing him i realized that he would be one of the last people i want to deal with. first off- the first and last 3 of his buttons were undone, exposing at least half of his toned body. i bet if you gave him the chance, he wouldn't mind coming shirtless or even better, naked. second- when i started him in the eyes, the only thing i saw there was frustration. a very sexual one, if you let me. and last but not least, when i was trying to leave, his grip on my arm tightened. i bet the reason so many of his relationships fall out is because he physically abuses the people he dates whenever they don't obey. of course this is only my assumption and maybe i am just overthinking, but its better than being rash. now if you will excuse me, i will go to my desk." he gets out his phone once again, and leaves his two friends. chan watching him retreat in amazement.

"pff what, didn't you not know that our friend is just as good as an FBI agent. also a very sexy and attractive one, to that."

chan rolls his eyes with a 'whatever' but still laughs.

he's always known that his best friend is one of a kind.

**not edited**

the chen i was talking about was exos chen and omg i'm so sorry!!!

that boy is so cute and i absolutely love him and am not in any way trying to make him look bad! i just need to put some more drama into this story:)

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