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Violet wasn't quite sure what she was thinking.

This is silly, she thought to herself, how do you know he'll even be here?
And if he is, then what?

She pushed the heavy wooden door open, exposing a slowly emptying market, and miraculously - Timothèe.

Timothèe, wiping down the Sweet Bean counter, just as he was the first time she saw him.
She took a deep breath before approaching him.
As she got close, he looked up and met her eyes. His whole face lit up.

"It's Violet!" He beamed.

She giggled, "It's Timothèe."

"What are you doing here?" He asked, still grinning from ear to ear.

"Well," She stuttered, "I uh, I don't know. I was out already."

"Well, you look great!" He said. "That dress is lovely."
He raised an eyebrow, "Did you have a date tonight?"

"Um, no." She blushed. "Not really. It was a, uh - friend thing."

He smirked. "A friend thing. Well, then, it sounds like you had a good night, yeah?"

"I did." She nodded, with a soft smile.

"It's getting late, but-"

"I should let you clean, huh?" She interrupted.

"No, no!" He shook his head, waving her off. "I was going to say, it's getting late, but can I offer you a coffee anyway?"

"Oh, that's okay." Violet scrunched her nose a bit, already contradicting her excuse to even be there. "I've had a shot or two tonight and that probably won't mix well. A glass of water may be nice, though."

Timothèe chuckled. "You must not be familiar with the Irish coffee. However, your wish is my command."
Without missing a beat, he scooped ice into a new cup and poured some water for Violet, sitting it in front of one of the barstools and motioning for her to sit down.
"Join me for a bit." He insisted.

Violet looked around, noticing that the rest of the market was now empty.

"I have the keys to close up, don't worry." Timothèe said.

"So, you mentioned you were a photographer." Violet said, resting her chin in the palm of her hand.

"Good memory." Timothèe chirped. "Yes, I am. It's my passion. I really enjoy capturing nature, but I'm getting more comfortable with portraits, too. I'm kind of self taught. I started to just mess around with cameras at a young age, but I think I caught on pretty well. But now, I'm enrolled in Boulder university and taking some classes there. I feel like a degree might look kind of nice on my resume."

Violet laughed, "Hey, I went there."

"You did?" He asked, curiously. "What did you study?"

"English." She chuckled, "Lame, I know."

He shook his head. "I wasn't going to say it was lame. I was going to ask you what your favorite book was."

She thought for a moment. She had so many favorites. "Probably, Pride & Prejudice."

"Cheesy!" He grinned. "I like it."

"Hey!" She laughed. She hit his arm playfully, but then tensed up, wondering if they were on "touching each other" terms. He didn't seem to mind one bit though.

"What about you, then?" She asked. "What's your favorite?"

"The Great Gatsby."

She smiled, "And here you called mine cheesy."

need me // timothée chalamet Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant