9 | Drive 'Em Crazy

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I'm gonna love ya, until you hate me, and I'm gonna show ya, what's really crazy. You should've known better, than to mess with me, honey - Rita Ora


"What the fuck are you doing here?!" Shantell yelled at Aiden, standing in the doorway of Briyelle's hotel room. She couldn't stand seeing Aiden and she knew it had everything to do with the fact that Briyelle loved him. He was the reason she couldn't have Briyelle wholeheartedly.

"I need to talk to Bri," he replied, already agitated. He didn't have time for Shantell's body guard duties. He hated the sight of her, just as much as she hated him.

"What do you want, Aiden?" Briyelle moved Shantell out the way. He stepped inside, pulling her close.

"You." He leaned down and kissed her. She pulled away and slapped him. "What the fuck Bri?!" He took a step back. "Fuck you do that for?"

"You saw me at the fashion show yesterday, didn't you? But, you didn't speak. Why? Oh, because your whack ass, no style having ass, cheated and got pregnant on you twice ass wife was there. Don't walk around here like you don't see me because some low class bitch is with you. You were acting real grand like you're not hitting this, or like you're not eating this ass multiple times a week. I refuse to fallback. If you want me, you better make power moves and get rid of the bitch. If you're so in love with me, she gotta go. You can do it, or I'll do it for you. If I do it, your ass dies too." She pushed him out of the room and closed the door.

"Whoa!" Molina said, "You'd kill that bitch over him?" She was surprised to hear that. She didn't think killing or even fighting with another female was worth it over a man.

"No," Briyelle lied. Neither Shantell nor Molina knew what they did for a living. As far as they knew, the girls travelled outside of New York for legitimate business meetings concerning their father's legal businesses. It was partially true, but not so much.

"I hate him," Shantell said. She meant it with every fiber in her being.

"You hate him so much, because you're in love with Bri," Molina spit out the truth. Everyone around them knew what it was. Shantell just didn't verbally say so.

"He's a dog for that. This beautiful ass woman is in love with you, and you can't even keep your shit together," Shantell said. "She might as well be lesbian."

"Why won't you just be a lesbian?" Molina decided to ask. She couldn't understand the confusion for Briyelle. Why deal with a lying, cheating man when a woman was ready to give her everything?

"Because, I love penis! And, Shantell knows I think eating pussy is disgusting as a female. I just can't do that shit. Just the thought makes me gag," Briyelle truthfully answered. She didn't see herself as a full lesbian. She didn't see herself fucking with another female that wasn't Shantell. She just didn't see herself being a gay woman.

"But -"

"I know! She gives me head, that's her thing. She loves giving head. I love getting head. It works out perfect for both of us. But, I love men and I love getting dicked down properly." Briyelle shrugged.

"Trust me. You're not going to turn this," Shantell laughed, "I have tried. If Briyelle decides to be gay, I'll drop whoever I'm with to be with her. But, until then, she can have her way."

"But, you're okay with that?"

"She's my bestie before anything. Yeah, I'm good with it," Shantell replied. She would love for Briyelle to be a lesbian, but she's not.

"Whatever floats your boat," Molina said. She wasn't into it and wasn't knocking those who were. She was just nosey and wanted to see what went on in her friends' minds. "To each his own."

"Well, while Yoellie is getting her walls knocked loose, let's go relax in the hot tub," Briyelle suggested looking out the window. "There's some cuties out."

"Any females?" Shantell walked over to the window. Briyelle felt a ping of jealousy, but there was no need for that. She was checking for dudes herself.

"White girls," Briyelle said.

"You trying me. I don't want no white hoe. I need a foreign bitch, or some chocolate." She smacked Briyelle's ass. "Come on, Molina."

"No. I'm staying up here. I have a boo to call. He owes me a bit of some phone sex," Molina licked her lips.

"Not on my cover, hoe," Briyelle said. She and Shantell changed into swimsuits and headed downstairs.

They strutted through the hotel in sandals and fresh Gucci swimsuits. Briyelle wore her favorite color, yellow. It was a one piece that did little justice to hide any of her body. Her ass was poking and only her nipples were covered at the top. Shantell wore a two piece with a strapless top and together, they looked like the cover of a playboy magazine.

"Yoooo! Ladies. Come join us." A tall chocolate man smiled their way. His boys and the girls in the hot tub turned their way. Everyone smiled at the two.

"We're gonna get in this one. Y'all got it to crowded that way." Shantell dragged Briyelle to the second hot tub. They got in and sunk down. It didn't take long for three guys to get out and join them.

"I'm Danny, this is White Boy Chris, and Traven. You ladies single?"

"I am if you have a vagina," Shantell said.

"Whoa, lesbians?" Chris eyes lit up.

"Some like that," Briyelle laughed. "She's the lesbian."

"And, she's my newest project." Shantell and Briyelle shared another laughed.

"She's not gay," Traven said, as he stared at Briyelle. "Can tell by the way she acting."

"My act means nothing." Briyelle pulled Shantell to her and devoured her lips. "This my bitch."

"Not buying it. So, do you have a man?" Danny asked.

"No. She's single and needs one," Shantell stepped in. Anything to get rid of Aiden. "Where the brown females at?"

"Right behind you," Traven pointed. Three black girls walked up. "Keisha, my new home girl here said, what's up?"

"She ain't 'bout it," Keisha replied.

"Wanna bet?" Shantell smiled. The night would be long.

Briyelle laughed and joked with everyone. She wasn't trying to find no new boo or anything. She was just trying to take her mind off the bullshit with her current relationships. She checked her phone and had a ton of messages from Aiden. She looked through them.

Aiden: Kiss her again in my face, I'll cut her lips off.

Aiden: He better get away from you

Aiden: Go change your swimsuit

Aiden: You're pissing me off.

Aiden: If that white boy touches your ass, I'll gut him like a fish

Aiden: Briyelle, I love you.

She ignored it and made everything happen that he didn't want to happen. He had the wrong bitch. She could be shared, but she wasn't going to continue to share him. That wasn't her thing. If she owned it, only she owned it. He didn't have long to get his shit together. Tonight, she was fucking Shantell, and she would be childish and rub it in his face.

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