𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟐

Start from the beginning

"Aw, I love you too hon, but no, go with your father, please?", she said and I couldn't help but agree with her, obey her because she's my mother. So I went to the living room and smiled a little at him. i wanted to vomit.

"Serena, are you coming with us?", dear daddy asked and I nodded with a fake smile. I told them that I would just take a little bit of shower and wear something nice. Jane and Dad stayed at the living room and Mom offered them juice or maybe it was water. I on the other hand, just ran in my room, to the bathroom and locked the doors. I was so mad at him that I cried in my bathroom and was crying silently like I always do. He said that he loved us, but why leave us for a woman who looks like that bear in five nights at Freddy's and also looks like Fineas' platypus, Perry. Mom is the most beautiful woman, I have ever seen in the planet and I love her so much, and dad would just replace her for someone who looks like JLO but was beaten up to death, a woman who looks like a grandma, and is about to die next month.

I am really sorry for the Lord above, I know you're watching over me and signing a deal with Lucifer to take my soul to hell for being a bitch, but what did you made her from? Shit? I'm so sorry, I am so mad that I say mean things. Do you know what I mean? By the way JLO is a badass and I love her.

After all that crying and stuff, I did had a little bath and I wore something nice. I wore a pedal pants and a crop top shirt that says 'whatever' with a mini sticker of a middle finger. I paired my outfit with a simple converse shoes. I love it and maybe dad will love this shirt too, am I right? Totally being sarcastic.

I went downstairs. "Finally you're done", Jane said and rolled her eyes. And daddy was quiet, but smiling weirdly.

"Um... okay shall we? It's almost lunch, we better go", dad said. I looked at mom and smiled and also showed her my shirt, she looked at it laughing quietly, arms crossed and waving with her right hand. We got out and drove off with daddy's fancy car.

"Wow, this is so cool", Jane said like she was really enjoying this, I guess she was. She only said that, hoping that dear-old-daddy would give it to her because she compliments the car. It's really absurd. Jane was still on her phone, video-taking everything, while I was in the backseat minding my own damn business, uh hello I'm here if you've forgotten. Dad and Jane kept blabbing about some stuff, and then we stopped for a drive-through in Starbucks. "Okay, girls, what do you like?", daddy asked. "Caffe Latte Grande, please", Jane said.

"What about you, Serena?", dad looked at me smiling, he was creepy asf.

"I'll have bacon and gouda breakfast sandwich and a White Chocolate Mocha venti please, not to much sugar on the venti", I said speaking directly to the cashier lady. I ignored my father and my sister looked at me with a are-you-a-fat-lady? look. We drove to the next window and got our orders and I ate all of them. What can I say? I have food addiction and was diagnosed with it when I was still a babe. Jane took a selfie first with her latte. I don't know about her, but her life is completely about pictures and selfies and cellphones, text messages, social media and whatnot.

When we were finished eating, we got to the mall and boy was Jane really excited. Dad gave us each 100 dollars and he said that we could buy anything we want. Jane said that she was going to buy some clothes and dad asked me if I wanna buy clothes with my sister, um... absolutely not.

Dad said that he and I will buy some ice cream and Jane could meet us there. Jane has a lot of friends, and I tell you, her friends are shit people too. Dad and I went to the ice cream shop and Jane went to a shopping spree and she couldn't wait to text all of her friends. Blab about it. See? She's a self-centered, arrogant bitch. Oh god, I shouldn't have said bitch. Let's cross that out.

While I was licking my ice cream with daddy-dearest, I remembered mom's favorite food. I told dad that I would be back in a minute.

I went to that restaurant where mom would always go. I couldn't remember the name, but whatever. When I got there, I bought some burgers and fries and mom's favorite salad. Then I came across the book store of second-hand books and bought a total of 8 books. They were really cheap.

I got back and dad looked at what I bought. Admiring the thought that I bought books.

"Ah books, I love books too when I was your age, it was my favorite hobby, reading", I just smiled and didn't say anything. Finally Jane arrived with a whole lot of shopping bags. We got to the car and thank the heavens, we went home. Dad dropped us and when he was about to say goodbye or give us goodbye kisses, I went straight to the door where my mom was standing and dragged her inside.

"So how was the trip?", Mom asked us and Jane was really happy. "It was fun mom, but first I need to put these in my wardrobe, and I can't wait to tell Gina and Karen everything about it", Jane said and immediately ran upstairs to her room, typical Jane.

"How about you?", mom looked at me, her arms crossed.

"Do you have to ask me that?", I said with a I-hate-it look. She looked at me with a question look that says, 'tell me'.

"It was horrible and it was the worst, he didn't even said happy new year and it is still new year's today", I said and mom laughed.

"But in all that bad, I have something for you, your favorite salad, burgers and fries and I would have bought some drinks, but water is better", I added and she gasped in joy and hugged me so tight. We talked about it all night, even after dinner. Despite of a bad day, at least mom made it fun. I love my mom so much. 

I went to my room and cried again, I guess I'm not over the fact that I also love my father so much and was glad that he came to visit. I am such a hypocritical child. I say I don't want him in my life, but still yearn for his love.  It hurts me deeply, Jo.

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