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"I'll see you later, Sicheng." Ten waved goodbye to the said man as he exit the building. He looked around for a moment before spotting Kun at the other side of the road. The elder is leaning on their car, phone in his hand. Ten can't clearly see if he's typing or scrolling but he really doesn't care about that.

He only cares about how hot Kun looks in that posture, he might or might've not just drooled over the elder. He swallowed a lump on his throat that he never knew appeared there before shouting his lover's name.

Kun confusingly looked up from his phone, squinting his eyes to look for the owner of the familiar voice. It didn't take him that long before seeing Ten waving his hands— arms— to him while jumping lively. He smiled brightly, putting his phone back in his pocket.

Kun flashed his palms to the younger, reminding him to don't get too excited to cross the road. He received a grin and a nod from him, a sign that he understood what Kun meant.

Ten slowly but surely crossed the street but once he safely did that, he jumped on Kun without a warning causing the taller man's back to harshly hit the car. He laughed hesitantly, scratching his nape as he slowly got off Kun, repeating the words "I'm sorry."

"It's okay," Kun assured him, pulling the younger by his waist. "Just don't rush next time, okay?" He requested, pecking the other on his nose. Ten giggled softly, "Okay."

Kun opened the door of the passenger seat, guiding Ten inside and helping him buckle his seat belt. "You're such a gentleman, I should give you my number." Ten teased, sending a wink to Kun. The elder rolled his eyes playfully, remembering an old event that happened between them on the past.

He flashed Ten a big grin before closing the door. He went on his own side of the car, buckling his own seat belt. Ten already turned on the speaker, connecting it to his phone with one of the most handy and helpful friend of the human species, bluetooth. "Should I play some romantic songs?" Ten suggested, scrolling through his playlist.

"Whatever you want babe." Kun answered, focusing on reversing the car. A smile appeared on Ten's lips as he tap on the song that he chose. Just when the song started playing, Kun is finally driving forward.

Now Playing: Nothing's Gonna Change My Love For You

Ten started humming to the song, his head leaning on the window. He got startled for a second when raindrops started to hit the glass. "Kunnie, it's raining."

"Really? Is that why I turned on the windshield?" He teased and Ten can clearly see the elder's smirk from the corner of his eyes.

"I hate you," He scoffed, arms crossed on his chest. "Yet you said that you dedicate this song for me," Kun's smirk got wider, "The irony."

Ten paused for a moment, rethinking of what Kun just said. "I thought you said that you dedicate this song for me?" Ten asked, emphasizing the second you.

"Really?" Kun questioned, asking himself for confirmation. "Well maybe I did, but you know, I love you just the way you are." He repeated a line from the song, a big smile replaced the smirk. Ten blushed, lowering his head to hide the redness of his face, "Ew Kun, you have no originality." He rolled his eyes sarcastically with a shy smile, "Just focus on the road in front of us."

"How can I focus on it if all I can see is you?" Kun said, but his eyes are definitely focusing in front. "Do I look like the road? I'm too pretty to be compared to that." Ten frowned, staring outside his window. "Well to be honest there are some pretty roads, but you're the prettiest among them." Kun reached out his hand to hold Ten's, kissing it before putting both off their hands on the steering wheel.

Ten's face heated up once more, "You know Kun, sometimes you can be the cheesiest among the cheese."

"If I'm a cheese then you're a rat," He answered. "Why?" Ten asked, brows meeting each other.

"Because," He paused, the smirk back on his lips. "You badly want to eat me."

Ten pulled his hand off of Kun's hold, hitting the elder with it. "You ruined the mood Kun."

He placed the same hand on Kun's thigh, squeezing the spot that his hand landed on. "But it is true," Ten confirmed, "Yet, I would rather dress up as a cat." He winked, killing the supposed to be romantic mood.

Kun chuckled, "I'll gladly be your owner," He brought Ten's hand back  on the while along with his, "But I know you Ten, you'll meow the whole time."

Ten laughed loudly, "But with my cuteness, I'm sure you'll enjoy it." He said with confident, a cheeky smile pairing it. "I might regret it," Kun informed him, interlacing his fingers with Ten's. "But if it's you," He planted a soft kiss on the back of Ten's hand. "I won't ever regret anything."

Ten giggled softly, adjusting his position to lean his head on Kun's shoulder. "Anyways, our anniversary is coming up," He said shyly, feeling impressed by Kun keeping up with him for 5 years.

"Mhm, I know baby. Just clear out your whole schedule, I'll take you out for dinner." A wide grin was displayed on Kun's lips as he let the words spill out his mouth. Wishing that everything that he planned for the surprise will end up being successful.

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