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Kun got woken up by feeling a weight on top of him, he felt a pair of lips showering him with kisses. He groaned when he felt his lover's hand travel down from his chest to his lower area, trailing kisses from his jawline to his neck. Kun immediately opened his eyes when he felt Ten slowly slipping his hands in his joggers. He quickly changed their positions and now he's on top of Ten, legs and arms trapping the younger between him and the bed.

"Why are you awake so early, baby?" Kun asked, still with his morning voice, not taking his eyes off the younger's beautiful face. Even if it's still early in the morning, Ten still looks like an angel in Kun's eyes. Ten giggled, circling his legs around the elder's waist while his arms loop on his neck. "I wanna wake up my baby with love" Ten whined, wanting something else, and Kun knows exactly what that is. "My baby, you know that we promised to only do it once we're married right?" Ten groaned, he pushed Kun off him and stood up from the bed, stomping as he walks a bit away from it.

Ten always act like this when he doesn't get what he wants. Ten promised himself that he's not gonna push Kun to do it but sometimes he can't control himself, he has his needs and most of the time he can't keep his hands to himself, especially when his boyfriend looks so handsome, perfect and hot even by just breathing.

Kun sighed, he brushed his fingers through his hair before standing up. He approached Ten that's facing him with his back. He snaked his arms around his lover's waist, back hugging him. Ten tried pushing him away but gave up when Kun planted a sweet and soft kiss on his shoulder. "You know that I hate it when my baby is upset right?"

Ten can feel Kun's hug getting tighter and he loves it when Kun's arms are around his body, he gave in and faced the elder man, hugging him back. "How about let's start the day again?" Ten buried his face on the man's neck, inhaling his favorite scent that he can only smell on Kun. He nodded, and he can feel Kun kissing his head. Kun chuckled as he strokes the man's hair. "Good morning, my love."

Ten smiled, "Good morning to you too, baby." Kun felt relieved, he cupped Ten's face and showered him with kisses, making the beautiful man giggle. They were soon interrupted by Ten's stomach growling, asking to be fed. Kun laughed softly and he received a light hit from Ten. "I guess it's time for breakfast now, do you want pancakes and coffee?" Ten nodded eagerly, he's really hungry now. Kun smiled, showing his cute dimples.

Kun was about to let Ten go but he got pulled back. Ten looked at him with puppy eyes and he knows exactly what the younger wants. He lifted the man up, and Ten immediately wrapped his legs around his waist, putting both of his hands on top of Kun's shoulders, admiring his lover's outstanding visual. Kun walked out of their bedroom, struggling a bit while closing the door. Once he did that, he supported Ten with both of his arms to make sure that he wouldn't fall. He carefully walked down the stairs, not wanting both of them to have an accident.

The couple reached their destination. Kun settled Ten down on top of the counter. Ten started to kick his legs back and forth, and Kun couldn't hold himself from pinching the cute man's cheeks. Once he finished cooing at Ten's cuteness, he planted a sweet kiss on his forehead and proceeded to do what he was meant to do minutes ago. He took out all of the ingredients that he needs and starts working on their breakfast.

Ten just admired him, observing every moves that Kun does. He sends him flying kisses every time that Kun looks at him, and he loves how Kun smiles shyly. Thoughts of how good of a husband Kun would be went through his mind. He knows for sure that he wants to keep the elder for himself.

He can't bear to imagine them splitting up. He can't imagine not having Kun by his side, he hates the thought of it. Ten loves how Kun takes care of him, he loves how Kun's patient for him is really long. He can be really moody, bratty, annoying and clingy sometimes and he loves how Kun still tells him that he loves him even though he's being like that.

Ten went back to his senses when he heard his lover calling for his attention. "Baby, can you make coffee for us?" Ten jumped off the counter, taking two cups for both of them. He made a mocha for Kun and cold brew coffee for himself.

Ten walked out to the terrace, placing the coffees on top of the glass table. Kun followed him, holding two plates filled with pancakes on both of his hands. He placed it next to the coffees before going back inside to get the utensils that they need, he also grabbed some tissues for them to use later.

When Kun went back to the terrace, he saw Ten admiring the view. He placed the tissues next to the plates and carefully placed the forks and butter knives on top of it. Kun sat next to Ten on the sectional couch, hugging him from his side. Ten relaxed on his touch, laying his head on Kun's chest.

"Kun?" The said man hummed as an answer, "You'll always spend your mornings with me right?" Ten looked up at him, pouting as he ask the question. Kun pecked his lips and nodded, smiling sweetly with loving eyes. "Of course darling, I'll spend all of my mornings with you."

Kun loves spending his mornings with the younger. He loves waking up with him, he loves how the first thing that he sees when he wake up is Ten's gorgeous face. No matter how moody the male can get in the morning, Kun still loves spending it with him and he didn't regret choosing to always be beside him when morning comes.

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