ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 14

Start from the beginning

The doors opened, a woman with dark curly hair entered. She had blue eyes which complimented her diamond face shape. Indeed she was beautiful. I immediately knew who she was; she was-

"Princess Ayla!" Marco says with joy and a smile.

He leans in to give her a kiss on the cheek. She rolled her eyes at Marco as she returned the greeting. She turns to the King, her eyes lit up as she scanned him slowly.

"Ayla, what a pleasure," he says in a dull tone and a fake smile, trying to convey some politeness toward her.

She bows at him. "The pleasure is mine, Your Highness. After not hearing a word from you after all my letters, I was afraid you had forgotten about me." He rolls his eyes at her comment. He seems to be uninterested in her, which makes sense since she had been with Marco before.

Ayla seemed unfazed by his apathetic expression toward her. She turns toward Marco who hooks his arm through hers and leads her to the guest wing. Many of her servants trail behind her. She notices something, unexpectedly turns toward me.

"Luca, when did you get a servant girl? I mean, I know you have them, but I've never seen one in your presence before. " She looks at me, bewildered. Then that changes to a look of jealousy, which she quickly hides with a smile.

"She is my chambermaid. Problem?" He cocks his head to the side.

"No," Ayla quietly chuckles, then glowers at me before continuing to the guest wing.

'What is her problem?'

More guests arrive throughout the evening. They were taking their seats in the great hall, all conversing away. Everybody wore beautiful gowns and suits, all showing a piece of their country.

The King stood up from his throne at his table. The conversations stopped immediately. You could hear a pin drop. It was that quiet.

"Thank you for all coming to this ball. Please enjoy everything that I have to offer." He announces. The multitude of people stood up from their seats with their chalice held high."To the King," they said in unison.

We served the meal and pour the ale into the chalice. After, we all waited until they finished to serve to next course.

Throughout the course of the meal, I would catch Princess Ayla glowering at me every so often. Her staring at me with an intense look made me really uncomfortable. Why is she staring at me like that?

The King looked uninterested in Ayla, not even looking at her when she tried to make conversation with him. Eventually, she started to talking to Marco, giving him her attention.

When the meal was over, the king announced that everyone go through into the ballroom. Upon entering, the orchestra started to play. People immediately danced. I watched as they moved in rhythm with the music. I smiled as they were dancing with no care in the world.

Marco stretches out his hand to Ayla, who accepts his offer to dance. While dancing, Ayla's attention is not on Marco at all. With every turn, her head always finds the King.

When the song was over, all bow and find a next partner to dance with. Ayla walks over to the king, "Darling, may I have the next dance?" She smiles at him.

"No." he said impassively.

Her smile falters and a look of hurt fills her eyes. She walks off with Marco who looks at his friend with disapproval. Why is he so cold to her? I understand why he does not want her, but why reject a dance? I can no longer hold my thought.

"My Lord, I know it's not my place to ask this, but why reject the Princess a simple dance?"

He turns to face me. His cold blue eyes met my multi-colored ones.

"Because I do not wish to return the affection that she shows me. One simple dance with her means that we are to be engaged. She sees a simple gestures as a proposal. Besides, I do not wish to dance with her."

As everyone danced slovenly, I knew some servants would be make their way to the garden now. I glance at the king who looks busy with his cup of ale, to notice if I slipped away for a few minutes.

I carefully tip-toed to the balcony, not trying to make anyone notice me sneaking. I hurry down the steps to the garden. I hear people laughing in the distance. I follow the sound to the group of servants who were clinking their cups together.

Agnesia and Matteo walk up to me, handing me a cup of ale. I could tell they were both very drunk. I am sure that everyone here was drunk.

When they were not looking, I quickly pour the ale out into the grass. When they turned back, I quickly raise the cup to my lips, faking that I drank it. I hate the taste of ale. The bitter tasting drink did not sit well in my stomach.

Someone strummed the gittern. Agnesia smiled as she pulled me into a dance. Others joined in. We made a circle and moved with the music. The dance was sloppy since some are drunk.

Suddenly, the circle broke, and everyone tumbled to the ground. We all erupted in laughter. A voice boomed making us immediately stop laughing.

"What is the meaning of this?!"

𝔈𝔫𝔡 𝔬𝔣 𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 14

𝒯𝓇𝒶𝓃𝓈𝓁𝒶𝓉𝒾𝑜𝓃𝓈(𝑜𝓇𝒹𝑒𝓇 𝑜𝒻 𝒜𝓅𝓅𝑒𝒶𝓇𝒶𝓃𝒸𝑒:)

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