A l r e a d y g o n e

20 4 2

As the days pass by I still can't recall
The moments where you made me so happy I could burst.
It's sad really, a beautiful friendship
a beautiful love story has gone with the wind.
If you ask me why I stayed, I would say that I didn't.
Everyday was a sad day with you, but my body couldn't leave.
My mind was already gone.
Waking up knowing that the day will be the same.
I'll try to catch those long gone butterflies for our sake.
I thought it was destiny, that we were meant to be.
It took me nightmares, lonely days, horrible storms to make me realize that it might have been destiny but I wasn't going to let it take control of my life.
I said my sincere goodbyes but you were too cowardly to do the same.
Maybe in another time, in another earth.
But from your life..I'm already gone.

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