Chapter Two: Be careful what you wish for!

Start from the beginning

Hearing their backdoor alarm beep, he walked in sweating just like his son. He had on basketball shorts and a tank top, but it was very clear that he was extremely fit as his son as I could see the veins bulging through his muscles. He had the same mocha skin and a smile to die for like his son. His beard was thick and scruffy. This man looked good. As I shook my head, I laughed to myself as I was drooling over Harley's dad.

"Hey, Emily finally nice to meet you! Your all my son talks about these days." He said as he shook my hand as he looked at all his sweat.

"Nice to meet you too," I said as I saw him go over to his wife and give her a kiss with no shame and rubbing his hands over her waist and booty.

"Baby go get washed up for dinner, please." She said pushing him away as she looked over at me smiling.

Now it all made sense why Harley couldn't keep his hands off of me. It was clear that he got it from his parents as they clearly showed signs of a happy loving marriage.

Jumping because I felt a hand on my thigh as Harley sat at the island in the kitchen next to me.

"Mama is dinner almost ready?" He asked sticking his fingers in the pans that laid on the counter full of food.

"Boy if you don't get your hands out my food, I'm going to cut your handoff." She said swatting at him playfully. "Dinner will be ready in about 30 minutes, plus it gives time for your dad to shower." She said as she turned her back to finish preparing the food.

"Alright cool, come on bae, let me show you around." He said mentioning for me to grab his hand.

Following him, he showed me the back yard which had a patio, basketball court, grill, and a pool. Then we proceeded through the den where it was set up like a movie theater. Then he led me upstairs to his room. 

"What does your mom do?" I asked him sitting on his large king-size bed.

"My mom's a lawyer and my dad's been a cop for about twenty years." He said nonchalantly sitting beside me as he grabbed the remote to turn on the big flat screen tv that hung on his wall.

"I can tell," I said smiling and nudging him.

"Oh, so you looking at my dad." He said flashing that dimple at me.

I got up to look at all his trophy and awards that were displayed on his wall. It look like he's been playing basketball ever since he was little.

"I'm just saying he got it going on like somebody I know." Laughing.

"Mhmm hmm. You're supposed to only have eyes for me," he said watching my every move.

"I do but it doesn't hurt to see where you got all your good looks from," I said seeing that he had a ton of basketball trophies. "I also see why you can't keep your hands off of me," I said turning seeing him look at me as if I was a meal.

"Well, what's wrong with that?" he asked coming up to me.

"Nothing but it explains a lot," I said biting my lip.

"Look my parents have had a good marriage and that's what I am learning is how to be loving. I want to have a good marriage like them one day." He said as he kissed me and moved my hair out of my face.

"I like you just how you are," I said in between kisses. He put his hands under my dress grabbing my ass and pressed himself up against me. As he tried to take my panties off, I came up for air and grabbed his hand. "Harley your parents are right downstairs," I said getting nervous knowing that this was not the place to have sex.

"I know they are." He said. Grinning a devilish.

"No! Harley, I need you to get your mind out of the gutter." I said as I pushed him off of me, wiping my lips and fixing my dress.

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