Valentines Day {Chris Evans}

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"Okay. Bye. Love you too." You say into the phone before you hang up, sighing deeply as you place it on the kitchen counter. 

Your boyfriend wasn't going to be at home for Valentines day - he had decided to go on a holiday with his friends for the weekend meaning you would be alone for the special day.

Suddenly your phone pings with a message and you pick it up hopefully, wishing it to be Daniel.

It wasn't.

But your smile doesn't falter much when you see that it's one of your best friends: Chris.

'Hey, whatcha doin?'

Y/nnn <3
'Nothing, why?'

'It's V-day.'

'Aren't you with Daniel?'

'No - he went on holiday.'

'For real?'

'Always knew he was a dick.'

'Chris! Don't be rude. Just coz ur jealous ;)'

'Maybe I am.'

Your heart quickened at the text. You had just been joking around with him- you didn't actually mean for him to take you seriously. You turn your phone off and walk upstairs, completely forgetting about your conversation and choosing instead to sit on your bed and watch TV in your room. 

About an hour and a half in you realise you don't have your phone and you walk downstairs to get it. You grab it off of the counter and your phone lights up, multiple messages from Chris - your hear rate rises thought the roof.



'Did you like, die?'

'Alright, I'm coming over'

The last message was sent half an hour ago meaning that Chris should be at your house any minute n-

Your train of thought is interrupted when you hear a key opening your door. Furrowing your brows, you take your phone into the entry hall and open the door yourself, startling Chris on the other end.

"When did I give you a key?" You ask, looking down at his hand where he held a key.

He rubbed the back of his neck and laughed nervously.

"You gave it to me when you first moved in - emergencies only."

"What part of me not responding to your texts in emergency?" You joke, allowing him into your house.

"For an hour and a half. I thought you died or something!" His voice raises slightly as you both walk into the living room.

You both sit down on the sofa and you notice from the corner of your eye that Chris was looking at you intensely. 

"What?" You blush, rubbing your face where you thought he was looking - checking to see if there was anything on there. There wasn't.

"Nothing, nothing." Chris shook his head as if ridding himself of a thought and you look at him sceptically, not believing him that nothing was wrong. 

But you ignore the feeling and turn the TV on, just sitting and watching it with Chris - not saying or doing anything but watching. That's what made you such good friends - you were both able to make an evening great without doing anything at all.

"Y/N?" Chris says suddenly and you raise your eyebrows, turning to face him and waiting for him to continue speaking.

"Why do you stay with Daniel?" He asks and you sigh deeply, not wanting to get into this with Chris again - it more often than not ended in an argument.

"But seriously. He's never here - not even on your birthday. And whenever he is here he's such an idiot to you and I can tell you don't love him anymore." Chris rambles and your eyes widen at the last part. 

"I can't leave him - he wasn't always like this, you know? And I do love him." You defend even though you weren't quite sure why - everything that Chris had said was true.

"I don't know - so tell me." Chris pushed and you sigh again.

"It's been hard for him since his dad died - I don't want to add to that pile of things going wrong in his life." You admit and Chris can feel the burden you're carrying. You desperately want to get out of this relationship - you pretty much always have - but when Daniel's dad died you had decided it wasn't a good idea to break up with him until he was better. But he never got better.

"Didn't his dad die years ago?" Chris squinted his eyes as if trying to remember something so far back in his memory.

"Yes but-"

"There's no excuses for the way he treats you, Y/N. You deserve so much better than him." Chris' voice was at a lower volume than before and it made your heart skip a beat.

You had always thought about what it would be like to date Chris - but you never acted on it because of Daniel. Still, you had somewhat of a crush on him that only grew when Daniel started to not be around.

"Why do you care anyway?" You immediately act on the defensive, stopping any feeling toward Chris rising to the surface.

"Why do I care?" Chris scoffs, "I love you, Y/N."

"And I love you too but that doesn't give either of us the right to-"

"No. Y/N, I'm in love with you." Chris corrects himself and places his hand nearer to yours on the sofa. You look at your fingertips, so close to his - so close to everything you've always wanted. But you pull them away before they can come into contact with Chris'.

"We can't." You say, standing up from the sofa and taking a few steps forward, turning your back to Chris.

"Why not?" Chris stands up as well but stays close to the sofa.

"Why can't you let yourself be happy?" He adds and you turn quickly around to face him. 

"I am happy." You lie.

"You know I can tell when you're lying." He cocks his head to the side slightly but there's no hint of a smile on his face.

"Chris, I-I have a boyfriend." 

"I know. I'm saying you could have a husband." Chris' words make your heart skip a beat and you find yourself not saying anything as he closes the distance between the two of you, his face inches away from yours.

He places his hands on your cheeks and guides your face to his as he kisses your passionately, completely sweeping you off of your feet - metaphorically of course - although your knees were starting to feel weak as the kiss went on.

He pulls away, breathing heavily, and rests his forehead against yours. He stares into your eyes intensely and you find yourself not being able to look away from his sweet baby blues.

"Let yourself be happy." He whispers and you search his eyes for a second before smiling slightly.



A/N: Sorry it's been a minute

Notice that Greys Anatomy reference in there ;)

still don't proofread lol

Thanks for reading :)

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