Fire {Chris Hemsworth}

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You were lying in your room, texting your best friend Chris. You were typing when you started to smell something burning. You called your roommate's name but she didn't respond. You rolled your eyes and started to record a video - speaking to Chris.

"I smell burning so I'm going downstairs, watch it just be Riley burning her dinner," You laughed, rolling your eyes, "I don't know what's going on but I'm gonna guess its a reaaaly caramelised piece of toast. So Chris, how's your life?" You ask, walking into the kitchen, still recording, "I bet it's sooo hard being the mighty Chris Hemsworth... OH MY GOD." You yelled as you saw your roommate lying on the floor unconscious, some serious burns on her face. You looked at your phone and realised you were still recording, "Chris, I don't-" You were cut off by another explosion coming from your oven. You screamed as you were flown backward. 

The world went black. 

You opened your eyes slowly, coughing profusely. You took in the situation around you and started to panic. Your phone was blown from your hand and there was a ringing in your ears. You tried to get up but something was lying on your legs. You screamed out for help but it was no use. You lived in a house that stood by itself with no-one else around for a while.

"Riley?" You called, you hoped your roommate had woken up but you couldn't move your head to look for her. 

Your whole body felt like it was being stabbed continuously and your eyes felt heavy. The pain was almost too much to handle.

A tear slid down your face and you knew this was how you die. You closed your eyes and accepted that you were going to die without saying goodbye to any of your family or friends, without saying goodbye to Chris.

You remembered the video and clung to the hope that it had sent. Maybe Chris was on his way. Maybe Chris was going to save you. 

You could hear the walls of your house being engulfed by flames and you cried more, you had brought this house just a few months ago and you didn't have enough money to buy another one. If you survived.

That thought scared you and you cried out again. You heard tires on gravel and a car door slamming shut and you screamed again. You heard footsteps sprinting up to your door and you heard the door be broken off of it's hinges.

You tried to look up to see who it was but you couldn't move your head at all. You heard your name being called. You guessed the video had sent and Chris had come to help.

"Y/N!" You heard his voice - unmistakable with his accent.

"Ch-Chris." You say, barely coming to the realisation that someone was here to save you, "C-Chris I'm over here." You yell as loud as you could which was barely even a raised voice but he seemed to have heard you.

You heard footsteps coming your way and you heard Chris breathing heavily from the heat.

"Y/n." He breathed as he spotted you on the floor, kneeling down to your level, probably burning a hole in his .trousers in the process. 

"Chris." You sigh. He tried to lift you and you screamed out in pain, the thing covering your legs stopping you from getting to safety. 

You just about see Chris pulling the shelf off of your legs and it landing just next to you, freeing your legs. He lifted you up, bridal style, and started to carry you out of the building. He got you outside and started to walk you to the car.

"Wait!" You yell suddenly, making him stop, "Riley." You breathe and he looks at you incredulously. 

"I'll go - I'll be fine." You say, forcing him to put you down on your injured legs.

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