Control {Sebastian Stan}

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"So when we get there, just walk out with me - stay with me and don't talk to anyone unless they talk to you." Sebastian concludes, looking at you expectantly.

You were in the limo waiting for the signal to step out and onto the red carpet for the Avengers: Endgame premiere. Seb had given you this whole speech about how to act and everything - basically telling you to be a completely fake person.

"Can't I just-" You begin but he cuts you off.

"No! Y/N how many times do I have to explain this to you?" He shouts and you flinch back into the seat, looking out of the tinted window and ignoring his talking. Who was he to tell you what to say and do - you were in this movie too and you deserved the freedom of being yourself.

"Oh so now your sulking. Great." You heard him mumble and you scoff, turning to look at him but not saying anything as you turn back to the window. You both get a text as the signal to walk out so Sebastian opens the door, waving to the cameras as he reaches his hand out for you to take as you step out of the car. 

You don't take it and although no-one else noticed it, you saw the anger on his face. Seb wasn't an angry person by any means, he was the best boyfriend you had ever had, but he got stressed about his public image a lot when it came to red carpets and award shows.

He latches his arm around your waist, pulling you with him and you walk down the red carpet, posing for pictures together. 

"Ouch, your hurting me." You whisper as his fingers continue to dig into your side, probably creating bruises.

"Sorry." He mumbles, smiling at the camera. You see an interviewer calling you over and you detach Sebastian's arm and walk over to her - as the other stars had been doing - and begin an interview about the night so far.

"How has it been?" The woman asks and you smile brightly.

"It's been amazing, the atmosphere and the friendship around me is indescribable." You gush, not dropping your smile for a second. 

"So who was it that you came with?" She asks and your smile falters for a split second before hitching up again.

"My boyfriend Sebastian Stan. I think he's over there somewhere?" You say, pointing in the direction you had left Seb.

"So you're not doing interviews together?"

"Not today no."

"Why's that?" She asks and you shrug nonchalantly.

"We're separate people that don't have to do everything together." You laugh and the interviewer concludes the interview, wishing you a goodnight.

The rest of the night goes by in a blur of sadness and anger, Sebastian tried to grab your hand during the movie but you pulled it away many times, not wanting to encourage his behaviour from tonight.

When the movie ends, you walk out, not bothering to wait for Sebastian as he chases after you. He tried to grab your hand multiple times as you walked but you just pulled it away. You open your door to the limo and climb in, slumping in the seat and waiting for Sebastian to get in as well.

When he did, he closed the door and you see him look over to you out of the corner of your eye, longing for you to just turn around and speak to him. He would even be alright with you yelling at him - he just didn't want you not talking to him, it was driving him nuts.

"Y/N." He pleaded as the driver pulled away slowly, making the two of you jolt forward slightly. You didn't even look at him, just kept staring out of the window, watching your surroundings fly past and be replaced by new ones.

"Y/N, come on." He whispers, dragging his fingers over yours that were splayed out on the seat. You pull them away quickly, turning around to glare at him.

"Sebastian, I don't want to talk right now." You reply and he looked deep into your eyes, searching for any hint of cooperation and when he didn't find any he nodded, turning his head away as you turned your head away, continuing to look out of the window.

When the driver arrived at the location of the after-party, you both got out, thanking him and walking toward the building. You couldn't be walking any further apart and everyone at the party noticed it, sensing the awkwardness.

You just sat at the back of the room, not really talking to anyone unless they came over to you, which a few people did - Chris Evans, Chris Hemsworth, Anthony Mackie and Scarlett all payed you a visit, talking with you for a while before inevitably leaving again.

You just took tentative sips of your drink, watching everybody else socialise and have a good time but you just didn't feel like it. You were still mad at Sebastian for thinking he could just control you and tell you what to do. 

He had a right to suggest what you do but not demand - he was not in control of you. Sebastian climbs into the chair next to you and looks at you for a moment before sighing deeply and moving the chair closer to you.

"Y/N look I'm sorry, it was wrong for me to try and control you like that. I was just... I'm sorry and I never meant to make you feel like you weren't in control of yourself - of course you're in control of yourself and I love you and-and I'm just...sorry." He rambled, grabbing your hand over the table. You were too tired to fight him so you just allowed him to hold your hand on the table, looking at him through your eyelashes.

"Sebastian I-" 

"Don't call me Sebastian, that always means you're mad at me." He whines, gripping onto your hand and looking into your eyes desperately.

"I'm not angry at you. I just need you to know that it's not okay. I am my own person." You explain and he nods vigorously, showing he clearly understood and agreed with you.

"I know and I'm sorry, I really am. I love you so much, please don't be mad at me." He responded and you look at him properly, seeing the tears well in his eyes. 


"Please, I- wait you said okay?" He asks and you nod, giggling lightly.

"Yeah." You smile and he leans into you, pulling you into a deep kiss. His hands rested on your cheeks and you smile into the kiss, placing your hands on either side of his neck. 

You continued to kiss until you heard clapping behind you and you pulled away, spotting Mackie and Evans cheering the two of you on. You and Sebastian chuckle and you stand up, grabbing his hand and pulling him to the dance floor, glaring at the two boys as you walked past them, ready to dance the night away with the man you love.


A/N: Sorry I haven't been updating a lot, I've been really into Grey's Anatomy so i've been writing stories for that 

still dont proofread lol

Thanks for reading :)

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