Moving Day Tbt

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Ok guys so this is the story of my moving day. Those last two chapters were the ones from my new school. But you'll need to see this to understand other things.
It was late at night and I was pretty sure this late night texting would bite me back later. I was texting was Bestfriend Rhonen. Tomorrow would be my last day with my friends. I was actually really sad and really nervous.

Rho Boat🚣: So like what if all of us met tomorrow at the end of the school day?

Me: Frfr? You wanna do that?

Rho Boat🚣: Duh I mean it's your last day.

Me: Ooo we should like take pictures and stuff lol

Rho Boat🚣: That's actually a pretty good idea

Me: Alright


Me: White shirt black pants

Rho Boat🚣: Kk i gotta tell the guys in the morning to meet up at the end of school

Me: Kk I'll text Ross
Thanx Rho your a good friend

Rho Boat🚣: Np im gonna miss you and it is your last day so let's make it memorable

Me: O my fudge it's late we gotta sleep

Rho Boat🚣: Dang ok GOODNITE Matty


I started texting all my closest friends about my last day. A lot of them actually didn't know so I had too. I had texting my other guy bff about the twinning and last day.

It was that night that I realized , the people I thought I would have said goodbye to on my last day were totally different people than I thought.

I met those guys in 6th grade. The year most of us acted fake. Just to be cool. But when I met them. It kinda changed. I was apart of a whole nerd/geek fest. We all were the nerdy weird kids. But we were good friends. The only other girl in our group was my friend Amber. She was crazy and weird too. She use to hang out with all the girls. Then she went to our table. It was originally a small table. In 7th grade we use to separate ourselves from those guys. Then we just jumped in and became good friends with them. We would have hilarious food fights. Truth or dare games. And that's when people started to notice us.
More and more nerds and geeks sat at our table because of how much fun it was. I had a lot of guy friends . Sometimes they acted like girls but to be honest, they were loyal and loyal friends are hard to find. I never knew they would be the ones I would miss the most when I came into middle school.


*Turn down for what starts playing*

I picked up my phone and turned off the annoying song. I was really getting sick of that one.

My window was shining in the bright sun. The light basically burned my eyes. I looked around to see my room was almost completely empty. Yup it's actually happening. I walked to the bathroom and did my usual routine.

I started to pick out my clothes for this day. White printed t shirt and my black skinny jeans.

I said good morning to my mother and ate some toast. It was time to go. My mother pointed out the time and I said good bye to her.

The air was warm but breezy. I stared ahead to see a few of my other friends were already at the bus stop.


My back pack was heavy due to all the text books I had to give back. I saw Rhonen and Ross up ahead. Our lockers were all near each other and we had a bunch of classes together.

"MATTY!" Rhonen said

"RHO RHO!" I said laughing

"So you last day? How you feel?" he said smiling

"Ehhh" i said


We walked to homeroom and I gave the first text book to my reading teacher. I had 3 heavy textbooks and I did not feel like carrying them all.

I was about to walk out when I called the teacher.

"Ms.(...) could I get help from someone?"

"OO CAN I HELP HER?" RHO yelled.

The teacher had hesitated at first and then let him go.

We walked and talked and talked and walked to 3 of my classes. I had to get a paper signed by my teachers too. When we came to one of the classes and I gave my book we argued a little bit because he gave me the wrong book.

The teachers would give me a sad face and I would hear some of the students who I used to be friends with or who I don't talk much too anymore say "Your leaving? what?"

I was kinda known by people but it was nice to hear they would miss me.

Now I know what your thinking. That me and RHO have a thing. We don't actually. I still text him alot. But we're best friends. Its not going farther than that.


I had my friends sign my binder and I had a lot of hugs. I few of them were mad at me for telling me that day. It was a Wednesday but it was suppose to be Thursday.


At the end of the day I had been hugged by a lot of people an my friends did a while group hug on me. We had to quickly take pics because the teachers didn't allow us and some were staring at us. I didn't care really but we only took two and Ross wasn't looking because he was trying to get his phone out for pictures. i hugged all of them goodbye. A lot of my friends didn't have phones so it was hard to stay in touch with some. And yeah I did cry. I was scared. It had been my first move ever in my life and I would have to make new friends. They told me I had an awesome personality and I would make plenty but I was still nervous.
But the only thing that mattered was that I had good friends. Loyal ones.
And that's was the best part

Hey guys this part of the story was all real. I don't entirely remember our conversations but that's around how it went. Im just hear to say guys. Don't be afraid to make new friends. Even if it's a wide variety. They are the friends that will be your friends only when theirs are not around, and there are the loyal ones who will always have you with them. And I've had a hard time finding those type in this school. But thank you for reading. I promise I will have a funny twisted story next time so later!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23, 2015 ⏰

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