Chapter One

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       Inna was different, she knew that just like everyone else. Her brother Misha was different as well. He and Inna had lived in secret for many years, hidden behind the darkness of night. The night was their only camouflage for years. They didn't know how to control themselves, so they had to hide from everyone in the world. After years and years of training and learning to control themselves, they were finally able to control themselves around people...humans.

"Are you sure about this, Inna? I don't want you to feel pressured or anything." Misha commented, though all Inna did was shake her head.

"I'm fine, Mish. Besides, we'd have to move some time. Why not go to high school and graduate? At least we'd be a bit normal." Inna replied, causing Misha to roll his eyes.

"Inna, I'll literally be graduating this year and you'll only have one more year after me. I really don't see the point in it." Misha said, making Inna bite her lip.

"Look, Misha, you don't have to go. I can put myself in my senior year. Then I only have one year and you won't have to go." Inna stated, as Misha shook his head.

"No, I really need to seem like a normal teenager, don't you think?" Misha commented, causing Inna to shrug.

"I don't know. I guess it's all on you and how you feel about it. I mean, you look like you could pass as a graduate already." Inna informed her brother, making him bite his lip.

       Misha knew how important it was for Inna to stay in one place for as long as they could. It wasn't easy for them to stay anywhere long, especially when they didn't age. Misha could only say he had good genes for so long before he wasn't going to be believed anymore. No matter how much Misha would be content with staying safe in the darkness of night, he knew his sister wanted to be at least a little normal. She wanted to be like every other teenager in the world, except they both knew she'd never be like every other teenager in the world. Unlike every other teenager, she would never age to seventeen. Misha wouldn't ever age to nineteen, though he could grow a bit of facial hair that helped him to look at least twenty.

"I'll do my senior year, make it easier for us to stay here longer." Misha stated, causing his little sister to nod.

"I didn't even think of that. You'd think for the years we've been alive, I'd remember just how much age was a factor in every day life." Inna commented, as Misha nodded with a light chuckle.

        Misha knew his sister didn't forget such a huge factor in human life. She had always wished to age to eighteen, like he had wished to age to twenty one. She wanted to be a legal adult and he wanted to be legal to drink. There wasn't a drinking age limit years ago, but once one was created, he could no longer get him a drink to calm his nerves. Inna wanted to be a legal adult, since there was no other way for her to make her own decisions otherwise. She hated it, though she knew she could control things such as that, but she wanted it to be legitimate, instead of her messing with people's minds.

"We might as well rest. We've got our first day of school ahead of us tomorrow." Misha stated, causing Inna to nod.

       Inna went straight up to her room, which happened to be quite beautiful. Since her and Misha lived in a home that was built for them by a construction team Misha hired, they were able to get their rooms as large as they wanted them. Inna was always one to decorate as much as she could, so every one who ever knew her knew her room would look amazing. 

        Inna's bed was king size and was the most beautiful bed anyone had seen before. Her room looked almost like royalty would sleep in it. The colors were warm, something that made Inna feel comfortable and easily could fall asleep. Years and years ago, Inna use to have trouble sleeping. This was back when they were only out at night, so she'd have to sleep during the day.

       Anyhow, she gave her room black-out curtains and warm colors and soon enough she was easily able to fall asleep. As of the last fifty years, she and Misha haven't allowed anyone to come to their home. They didn't invite anyone in hope that if they couldn't be seen anymore, they could still live in their home without being noticed or found. She just wanted to be normal, but normal wasn't happening, so she just had to be content and closed-off.

      Inna and Misha couldn't make friends, no matter how bad they wanted too. They had to stay to themselves, no matter how hard it was for them. This was one of the only ways they could protect themselves and each other. If they did make friends, they couldn't become too close. Their friends could never find out their secrets. If someone ever learned about their secret, their was no doubt that they'd contact the authorities.

     Misha was almost certain that the government would be the people who'd capture them. He knew for a fact if anyone found out about them, they'd become government experiments. Misha couldn't allow that to happen to his sister, and vice versa, so they never talked to anyone unless they had too. Protecting each other was more important to them than anything in the world. If they couldn't protect each other, they'd give up on themselves. Their bond was like no other, since there were no others like them. They needed each other because they were all they had. Even if they knew others like them, all they'd do is help each other. They were brother and sister, and their bond was more important than the whole world put together...


A/N: I hope you guys liked this chapter. So, there may not be many authors notes, but we'll just have to see how that turns out. Please let me know what you guys think about this story. Also, Inna's bedroom is in the media.

Love you guys!


- Youngblood Xxx

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