Leon S. Kennedy X Male Reader

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My first chapter! Yes guys! I finally have my motivation back to write and create scenarios of romance, some NSFW stuff, and some fictional juiciness for you readers.

I chosen Leon Kennedy from Resident Evil 2 Remake. Our favorite Survival Horror character. From Rookie Police Officer to Talented super agent. But the best adaptation, in my opinion, has to be the 2nd game's remake. So, here is my first oneshot of Leon and I'm certain more of this will happen in the future. ENJOY!

Y/N's POV~

It all happen so suddenly, I was just heading back to my apartment from my class and then, one of my neighbors tried to bite me. I can't believe it, everything I heard on the reports and news about the Umbrella and virus conspiracyc could be true. I woke from being unconsious due to a gas leak explosion. I soon realized my situation and acted fast. I grabbed a first aid kit and some processed food, I then quickly exited my apartment through the fire exit while avoiding the attacks from the infected individuals. As I was outside about to cross a road, bright lights came to my sight blinding me for a bit until I saw it was a cop car with two people inside. A woman and a man.

???: "Hey! Are you okay!?"

The woman asked.

Y/N: "Yeah, I'm fine!"

???: "Great, well get in. We'll take you to the police station."

The man with silky blonde brown hair and a chiseled chin told me. He looked--Wait! No time for that! The apocalypse is happening. I soon get in the car's backseat and we drove off. I soon got to catch my breath for the time being.

Y/N: "Haaahhh... thanks. I'm glad to see non-infected people."

Claire: "No problem. By the way, I'm Claire Redfield."

Leon: "Leon Kennedy. Glad to see you're safe."

Y/N: "Thanks, name's Y/N L/N."

Leon: "Well, Y/N, you're lucky to ran into us. We're headed to the police station, it'll be safer there."

Claire: "Yeah, I hope so."

Y/N: "Same here."

Unfortunately, it soon went down. Our car got crashed beause of some trucker ramming us, which separated me and Leon from Claire. We all soon agreed to meet at the police station. There were a lot of infected around the area one was about to grab me until it was shot in the head. I look to wear the bullet came from to see Leon was the one who shot it.

Leon: "You okay!?"

Y/N: "Yeah, thanks. But let's go now!"

Leon: "Couldn't agree more."

He soon takes my hand and we head towards the police station. We got there later and took the time to catch out breath and sit down.

Y/N: "Haahhhh... what a day..."

Leon: "Tell me about it. My first day as a cop and all this is happening."

Y/N: "Yeah, but I have high hopes we will survive this. You and Claire seem to have."

Leon: "Yeah, but we just met not long ago. Good thing we bumped into you though. Someone as cute as you doesn't deserve to be in a situation like this."

He said with a warm smile as a my cheeks feel so heated. I soon controlled it and thank him as he smirked at me. He really is... handsome. I don't know if I can resist his smile. We soon did some investigating around the R.P.D. to look for survivors. We soon failed to help out a poor police officer but soon met Marvin. He told us about a secret passage way, leading to the underground parking lot. Me and Leon now intend to search more of the building and look for those medallions for the secret passage.

 Male Reader X Various Male CharactersWhere stories live. Discover now