Howl x Male Reader

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This oneshot will be about you and one of anime cinema's most recognizable characters, Howl from 'Howl's Moving Castle'. Enjoy guys!

You were just relaxing with a cup of tea and listening to music in the living room. Markl was outside the yard playing with Heen the dog. Calcifer is just chilling at his usual spot in the furnace. The castle was currently flying high up the sky, like a large bird. You finished your tea and decided to go out to the balcony for fresh air and whatever stunning beautiful view can your eyes feed upon. Turning the knob, you opened the door then your face bumped into the broad cheat of the charming and powerful, yet kind-hearted wizard. With many names such as being refered to as 'Wizard Howl', 'Wizard Pendragon', and 'Jenkin the Sorcerer' throughout the places each portal of the castle takes you to. But for you, it's simply just Howl.

Howl: "Hello, sweetheart. How's your day going?"

Howl's voice was as silky as ever. Always such a blessing for your ears to hear any time he speaks. And don't even get started when he sings. This man is just the living definition of beauty.

Y/N: "It's fine, Howl. I'm just going out for some fresh air and hopefully a nice view. You?"

Howl: "The usual leisure time. I was getting bored and decided I wanted to see you. Some quality with you can instantly brighten up my day~"

His constant flirtatious nature colliding with your calm and ahy behavior feels like it could ignite an explosion. An explosion that could make your cheeks heat-up. Seeing as how he got you flustered is one daily task accomplished. Howl may often be calm and collected, but he is very playful and full of mischief. You being his dearest loving partner, puts you in a tricky position.

Howl: "Ha! I could never get tired of how you look with red cheeks. Always so adorable, how did I get so lucky to meet an angel such as yourself. Y/N~?"

Y/N: "Hnn. S-Stop that Howl..."

Howl: "Hm. Hey, I was thinking, what do you say we take a trip to this private island I know. I often made trips there in the summer when I'm in the mood for a swim."

Y/N: "That actually sounds splendid! It has been a while since I took a cool dip in the water. Yes, I'd love go!"

Howl: "Great! Well then, let's make haste and head over there now!"

He excitedly took your hand and dragged you to where Calcifer, Heen, and Markl were.

Howl: "Markl! We're going to our special place! The Emerald Island!"

Markl: "Really!? Oh yes! It's been so long since our last visit there! Since this is your first time there, Y/N I can guarantee you'll never wanna leave once you see how beautiful of a place Emerald Island is!"

Y/N: "Hehe. I'm already captivated by excitement as I hear more about this place!"

Calcifer: "Next stop, Emerald Isalnd it is then!"

The flying castle starts to redirect it's position to a different direction. As you prepared your things around the castle, you felt joyful of how positive things are now ever since you met Howl. You still could never forget the day you first met him. Little did you know that that small encounter would be life altering. You felt a fuzzy feeling of bliss in your chest, reminiscing your first meeting with Howl several months ago.

~8 Months ago~

You lived a simple life working two jobs at a hat shop and at a bakery. On weekdays, your morning is spent baking fresh bread and pastries. In the afternoon, you'd help sew designs on hats and other accessories. Both jobs are relaxing considering it's one of your hobbies and it pays well.

 Male Reader X Various Male CharactersWhere stories live. Discover now