Chapter 1

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"Devilman?" All of them hesitantly muttered at the same time before finally remembering the situation. They nodded in gratitude at Devilman for giving them time. They quickly began their escape while Devilman charges towards the incoming threat with inhuman speed and animalistic ferocity.

"I never fought something as big as you. But I'm pretty sure I can take you down." Devilman declared confidently as he grinned wickedly, showing pointy sharp teeth.

The giant creature quickly forms a fighting stance as Devilman got close and strongly leaped forward. He recognized the stance. In fact, he once read about it on the internet. It's Muay Thai. The art of eight limbs.

So it has intelligence and knows how to fight. Fascinating. However futile.

With no hesitation, Devilman quickly throws a punch before the giant creature could even have the chance to block it. He hits the creature hard on the stomach, the force sending it down to the ground.

The giant creature had a look of surprise and shock. It never expected that something small could give a punch so strong it easily put a hole in it's stomach.

Devilman grinned further, proud of the damage he made to the creature. He licks his lips sadistically and was about to throw another punch, this time onto the face. But he was suddenly caught off guard when the giant creature's wounds quickly healed like it was nothing.

Acting fast, the giant creature instantly moves to stand up before proceeding to kick Devilman away. However, Devilman was able to block the attack with his bare hands.

"I gotta admit you are strong. But not strong enough." Devilman commented as he grabs ahold of the used leg and tosses the giant creature up in the air like a ragdoll.

Finally sprouting his enormous bat-like wings, Devilman quickly flew into the air to catch up with the giant creature and with great strength, he performs a powerful elbow drop onto the giant creature, all the way down to the ground.

The result was a massive impact crater down below that it even created a powerful shock wave that reaches even far beyond the whole forest.

It should be dead now. Nothing could survive that. And even if it's alive, it should be too weak to move now.

Devilman took note of the lying giant creature before him. He is now standing victoriously. The giant creature's body was now just a bloody mess and all it's bones were broken.

But in all ridiculousness, to his surprise, the giant creature quickly regenerated it's huge arm and fist. And before he could do something, he was massively punched straight into the face, sending him a hundred meters away.

Devilman skidded horribly on the ground as he felt his skull cracked open. Nevertheless, it began to heal as soon it occurred.

Impressive. It can heal almost as fast as me.

The giant creature tried to muster the strength to stand up but ended up falling flat on it's face.

Still, that big stunt I pulled did indeed weakened her.

Taking the advantage, Devilman begins charging forward to the giant creature with devilish glee. But quickly stopped in shock upon noticing the giant creature's eyes. There were tears coming out. It was crying.

What the hell? It's crying?

The waterworks slowly caused Devilman to remember something very important to him. Pure evil doesn't cry. It doesn't feel sad or pain. It doesn't feel anything. It's a monster. It lacks empathy. It just wants to create chaos. It's exactly something like Ryo. But here, this creature is quite the opposite of being pure evil.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2020 ⏰

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