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My name is Akira Fudo. My world is fire and blood. Once, I was a someone fighting for a righteous cause. Fighting for the good of all mankind. But as the world fell even further, each of us in our own way was broken. It was hard to know who was more crazy. Me or everyone else. All of mankind begin to call me a monster, a killer, a demon. I'm all of these things.


"You must live, Akira! Please! Wake up! Open your eyes!"

A certain pair of fierce amber eyes finally opened up. Akira Fudo is finally awake and the first thing he sees is the clear blue sky. A weak guttural groan slowly escape from the teen.

He felt weak. Very weak. His body wouldn't let him move. His muscles were aching horribly. Akira even tried to force himself but he just couldn't.

A deep weary sigh then came out of him. He realized it was futile for now. And because of that, Akira decided to close his eyes and have a long productive nap to regain his much-needed strength. After all, the grassy ground is already comfortable enough. He needed this.


"Hello? Where are you? Where are you, Akira?"

"Akira Fudo? Where were you?"

"Is that you, Akira? Where were you?"

"Where were you, Akira?!"

"Where were you? You promised to help us!"

"You let us die!"

"You let us all die! You promised to help us! Some kind of superhero you are!?"

"Where were you, Akira?!"

"You killed us all!"

"You left us all to die!"

"Akira. Why am I the only one talking?"


Akira Fudo suddenly wakes up with a jolt, sitting up instantly. He remembered. He remembered everything. He let everyone die. He failed. He failed them all. Mankind went extinct and the demons won. His bestfriend Ryo have killed him in battle, tearing his body in half. And Earth was left a barren wasteland for the demons to live in.

Akira trembled at the memory. His shaking body was filled with sweat. His beloved Miki died a horrible death. All of his friends and allies had the same fate. Everyone died horribly. And with all the strength he could muster, Akira yelled in agony and pain. He cried once more. He's now all alone. No one to comfort him and no one to share his pain.


A group of people wearing odd uniforms have heard an inhuman monstrous roar. It was a monstrous roar. It wasn't anything they ever heard before and that made them shiver in fear.

The authority of the group Levi Ackerman and Erwin Smith glanced at each other with suspicion.

"What the hell do you think it is?" Levi asked his friend Erwin.

"Whatever it was. It wasn't her." Erwin replied seriously and Levi only narrowed his eyes with alertness and further suspicion.


After slowly recovering himself from his prior breakdown, Akira finally started mentally taking note of his surroundings. It seems he was in some sort of lush healthy forest which was kind of odd. As far as Akira could remember, most of plant life were either wiped out or poisoned during the war and the trees in this place were a bit too oddly large and tall. They were too healthy and fat.

This could not be Earth. If it was, he could already be hearing screams for help, fiery explosions, and machineries of war such as tanks and jets. But all he could hear in this area are sounds of birds, insects, and deers.

"Where the hell am I?" Akira muttered out loud before his nose suddenly catched an all too familiar scent, "Humans?"

He quickly stands up firmly and turns to face a certain direction with a glare in his eyes. They're coming to this place and coming fast.

Perhaps I could get some needed answers from them. It might be risky but it's the only option I have. I hope this doesn't go south.

As he was about to prepare himself, he finally realized that he was naked for all to see. Akira sighes at this. So much for a civilized introduction.

When the humans finally arrived, he didn't expect them to be a bit odd. They were wearing strange uniforms, green cloaks with some weird winged symbol, and their hips had something that makes them glide and swing all over the the place. At this, Akira would have raised a brow in amusement if it weren't for them wielding dual razor sharp swords and plus there are five of them which could be a bit tricky if Akira were to fight them without killing them.

Now, this is more than weird. Last I recalled, mankind didn't have something like this. Looks cool though and those swords look pretty sharp.

"Who the hell are you?!" One of them asked Akira angrily, "Are you the Female Titan?!"

Taken aback by the weird question, Akira blinked and could only tilt his head in confusion, "HUH?! What the hell are you talking about? Just so you know, I'm actually a male. If you want proof, look at the package below."

The one and only female member of the group slightly blushed at the implications of his words and started to look away. The four remaining were all male and they all looked a bit strong in Akira's opinion.

"Still, may I ask you, what are you doing here of all places?! It seems like you're waiting for someone!" Another one questioned him.

"I could say the same to you, bub! And if it makes you all happy, I don't remember how I got here. I just woke up butt ass naked." Akira replied, "My turn to ask questions now. What the hell is this place? Where the hell am I right now?!"

Unsure of answering, all the humans glanced at each other with suspicion. They don't trust him. Who wouldn't? They're in the middle of an operation and a situation. And all of a sudden, a naked wild guy mysteriously shows up and starts asking questions. It's a little bit too suspicious for all of them. As all of them began to wonder on what to do with the stranger in front of them, Akira nonchalantly noticed another human coming at their location.

"Hey, you guys expecting anything? Someone's coming at full speed and rather recklessly that is." Akira pointed out as he looked onto the incoming newcomer.

And before everyone realized what happened, a bright explosion occurs and temporarily blinded everyone except Akira.

As the smoke of the explosion dissipates, what replaced the incoming newcomer was a massive bipedal humanoid-like creature with it's body consists mainly of exposed muscle tissue.

The giant creature started charging towards them at full speed with the intent of possibly crushing them.

Woah, what the hell is that thing? It's huge. I know for sure though, it ain't a demon. So what the hell is it? Well, whatever it is. I can't just let it slide. I gotta do something about it. Because I'm pretty sure it's not here to make friends.

"Everyone! Get the hell outta here. I'll take care of it. Just this once, I'll help you people." Akira declarared before suddenly transforming himself into the infamous Devilman, shocking everyone present.

"What the hell are you?" All the five asked him with fear and shock in their eyes.


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