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On a ship a girl named Katrina looked out onto the massive island in front of them.

"Azur High here I come." Said the girl.

Meanwhile in the Minor University hall way.


The Cannon of a SN Sovetskaya Rossiya goes off.

"Amanda we need to get out of here

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"Amanda we need to get out of here. The entire school has turned on us." Said Oscar.

"I know. We have to leave. Maybe Azur Lane is still taking students in." Oscar said.

"Come on let's go." She said as Amanda returned her ship.

Oscar and Amanda ran out of the school.

Meanwhile at Eagle Tech. Alicia the head of the Eagle Tech tournament team.

"Where are you taking me. Let go of me." Alicia said.

"Shut up." Said a boy.

They try to take her into a basement but she fights back and gets away. She is about away when one of the boys grab her ankle and make her trip.

"Let go of me." Alicia said as she struggled with the guy.

The guy who was on the ground began to move to the stairs pulling her along.

"Let me go. Please." She cried as she was dragged closer to the door.

She kicked him in the face as he lets go. She gets up a books it out of here. She needs to get to her cousin as Azur High.

"Rowan my cousin please be willing to let me join." Said Alicia.

"Let's get her" said one of the boy.

"No let her go. She can't do anything at the stupid school. Azur High won't make me past the first round." Said Lance Thompson the new head of Eagle Tech.

Meanwhile in a mansion. A butler watches the news.

"And in other news. The court case between the children shipgirl protection agency vs the Institution of shipgirl relationships take a new turn as the Jury hears testimony form the Protection agency. It is said that this turn could what the team needed to help win this case." Said a new anchor.

"I don't get why this has to be a court battle. You shouldn't be aloud to date a child shipgirl. It's not right" said a butler.

"Yeah well they are gonna fight it. It's a common fact that most of the guys are dating a child shipgirl." Said a maid.

"It is really messed up." Said a woman.

"Oh Ms Sophia we are sorry for slacking off." Said the maid.

"No worries. I was wondering what was in the news anyways." Said a the woman.

"We interrupt this program to bring a special report. A bombing at Azur High has left the school in a state of shock. The bombing had calmed the life's of 86 students. Including the second in command of the tournament team Bentin. We will give you live updates." Said the anchor.

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