Baekhyun just give force smile to his mom while drinking ice water..

Mom: when you both going for honeymoon? Don't you feel like going somewhere?

Baekhyun: I don't think so mom, who is going to take care of Leeyeon?

Bomi: yes mom, there is no one going to fetch him from school.

Mom: what you two talking about? I'm here and not always busy, we have our own driver to pick him up from school. Leeyeon can stay with us while you not here. Anyway Leeyeon's school not too far from here.

Dad: you're mom is correct you know I think it's time for you two starts to spend time more together. Just go and enjoy your honeymoon while you still can.

Baekhyun: we'll see how, still I have lots of work in the office, pending here and there.

Mom: don't give me lame reason son, you're dad is here to replace you while you're gone for your honeymoon.

Dad: yes of need to worry about that.

Mom: Bomi-yah, where you would like to go? My close friends work as a travel agent, you two can ask any suggestions from her regarding the place you interested in.

Bomi: I'm okay with everything mom (looking at Baekhyun who looks moody).

Dad: I guess you both should sleep here tonight, it's quiet late now.

Baekhyun: okay..excuse me, good night.

Baekhyun left the dining table..Bomi just look at him walking away from the dining table. Mrs. Byun notice their awkward moment between her son and Bomi.

Mom: you two have a problem that we should be worried about?

Bomi: huh? No..nothing happens mom, he was tired from his work that's all, back and forth meeting with clients and pickup Leeyeon from school.

Bomi faking her sweet smile to make her mom in laws suspicions gone even what Mrs. Byun said is nothing but the truth.
Done with dinner, she helping out the maid to clean up everything before going to the bedroom. She walk into the bedroom, Baekhyun without taking shower and still on his office outfit fall asleep on the bed. He look tired today and an extremely moody.
She take a seat at the edge of the bed next to Baekhyun, she caressing his messy hair and tired face without Baekhyun realize it...

Bomi: I'm sorry my husband..I never meant to hurt you..

Second night stay at Baekhyun's family house also the same, Baekhyun act cold towards Bomi. This time is far more worst than last night, he not even looked at Bomi's face when they talk. She wondered why Baekhyun behaves like that this past few days. Bomi lean back at the bed post while waiting for him to sleep together. Baekhyun got into the room, brushing his teeth and face. Dry it with face towel, he switch off the bedside lamp, laying down and sleep.

Bomi: Baekhyun...yah..Baekhyun-ah..(pat his back).

Baekhyun totally ignore Bomi and continue to sleep. Bomi look so stressed out with Baekhyun's behaviour.

Baekmi Penthouse
On the 3rd night they finally back to their own house, more privacy this time. It was night after dinner, Baekhyun relaxing his body at the sofa while watching Netflix. Bomi finished cleanup at the kitchen and on her way to the living room where Baekhyun are watching movies. From laying down position he got up and sit properly so that Bomi can seat at the sofa too. Bomi sat next to him..

Bomi: can we talk?

Baekhyun: .....

Bomi: Baekhyun-ah...

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