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Remus was unaware of the fact that Sirius had changed the post of Secret Keeper from himself to Peter at the last moment. So when he found out that the Potters had been killed, he could no longer believe what was real and what was not.

He felt as if his whole life had been a lie for the person who he claimed to have known inside out and could trust with his life had turned out to be the one who had betrayed them. 

Before going after Peter for revenge, Sirius had turned up at Rem's doorstep in order to clear the accusations of the Potters' murder to his friend. But Remus had been so devastated by both the sorrow of losing James and Lily as well as considering Sirius as a traitor that he hadn't opened up the door for him.

Later on when he learnt the truth years later about Peter's betrayal and deception, he held himself guilty because if he had listened to Sirius that night, Sirius would not have had to spend twelve tortuous years in Azkaban and Peter would have been brought to justice much sooner.

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