Christmas Special

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"Louis, Louis, Louis... wake it up!" Harry shakes his boyfriend out of bed. "It's Christmas!"

"Harry..." Louis groans, cold from the sudden removal of blankets. "I know it's Christmas."

"You need to open your presents!"

Louis obliges, at this point, seeing as his lovely boyfriend has flushed, pink cheeks and a grin on his face so big Louis thinks it might fall off. Harry takes his hand to drag him into the living room, where the tree is, but Louis pulls away into the bathroom.

"No matter how much Christmas spirit you have, it can't cure the urge to piss, nor morning breath." he says to Harry.

"Ughhh." Harry groans in response, following Louis into the bathroom. Having been so excited, he forgot about brushing his teeth, himself. It's really not his fault that, in his defense, his mind was racing from the moment he woke up this morning.

He let Louis get more sleep as he prepared breakfast, which happens to be pancakes, but as soon as Harry was done with cooking the morning meal, he ran to Louis' side.

When both boys are done with their morning routines, Harry takes Louis to the living room, where two plates sit on the coffee table and a few present reside under the green tree adorned with lights and ornaments - that Louis and Harry had hung up, though Louis wasn't very good at it.

There's a distinct difference between the wrapped present, that primarily being the fact that Harry can wrap, and Louis, not so much. Harry's gifts to Louis look clean-cut and sharp, whereas Louis' are kind of just a blob of wrapping paper.

Harry doesn't admit, but he loves Louis' lack of skill.

Louis gives Harry a little kiss on the tip of his nose before sitting on the couch and grabbing his plate of pancakes. Harry follows Louis' actions and plops onto the couch right next to the smaller boy.

"You keep me so busy this time of year." Harry smiles at his boy, "Your birthday was yesterday and Christmas today, next thing I know our kid's birthday is going to be tomorrow..."

"Harry," Louis smiles, "Rest on the kids for now. We haven't decided yet."

Harry knows Louis will agree. Maybe not this year or the next, but he knows Louis will agree to a kid (or kids, if Harry's lucky) eventually.

When they finish their breakfast, they set the sticky, syrup-covered plates on the coffee table, and look towards the presents.

"Who first?" Harry ponders.

"You, because I opened a present yesterday." Louis grins.

"But it was your birthday! I think you should open one first." Harry replies.

"If you say so..." Louis walks over the the tree, and sits on the floor by it. He motions Harry to come sit by him. "Which should I open first?"

"Whichever one you want." Harry responds, eyeing the gifts.

Louis goes for a square shaped present, wrapped in red paper with little snowmen on it. He rips through the covering, and there's a box.

"Thank you Harry, I've always wanted to get a box for Christmas!" Louis teases, receiving a little smack from Harry.

He opens to box find a red jersey, that of his favorite football team, the Doncaster Rovers. Surprisingly, the design is different than any of the other Donny jerseys he has.

"Thanks, Haz." Louis takes Harry into a hug.

"You're welcome!" Harry smiles, grabbing a present of his own to open.

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