14 - First

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In another thirty minutes, Louis is at the station, and Harry is relieved that he can finally go home. Or, perhaps to Louis', but that comes later.

"Louis! Thank you so much for coming!" Harry runs up and envelopes Louis into a hug. Louis is taken slightly aback, but soon he wraps his arms around Harry, too.

"I couldn't just leave you here, could I?"

"Well technical-"

"No, don't ruin it." Louis smiles as he presses his finger against Harry's lips to shut him up. "Okay, let's go."

"Okay." Harry smiles fondly. 

Before they leave, Harry leaves contact information with the receptionist. He wants to be able to be reached when his car is found, obviously.

Next thing they know, they're back on the road. Harry begins the alphabet game, and Louis soon joins in on Harry's childish antics. It does make the time pass faster, or at least it feels like it. They're back in London before they even realize it.

"Do you want to go on our date right now?" Harry asks brazenly, and Louis is taken slightly aback.

"Right now?"

"Right now."

"I'm not even ready for anything! I'm just in sweats and this beanie is covering up my horribly messy bedhead." Louis states, pointing up at the hat.

"You look great in whatever. But, you know, you'd look even better in nothing." Harry winks, and if Louis wasn't driving, he would have slapped the younger boy. "But seriously, we aren't going anywhere fancy. Sweats are perfectly fine, and you can pull off anything."

"Oh, okay." Louis says, not taking his eyes off the road. He can't really hide his blush. 

"Pull over."


"Pull over."

"I heard you the first time, dummy." Louis says, pulling the car over. 

"Then why'd you say what?" Harry smiles, getting out of the car to get into the driver's seat. There's no way he's going to just tell Louis where they're going and remove the element of surprise.

"I don't know. Maybe I'm the real dummy here." Louis frowns.

"You think?"


Harry just grins as Louis pouts in the passenger seat. He looks extremely cute when he's pouting, Harry decides. Louis also continuously asks where they are headed to, but Harry won't budge. 

"How do I know we aren't going to some kind of like, sex house or something?"

"You don't." Harry smirks, but Louis knows he's kidding. What a dork—er, whale penis.

Finally, they arrive at the arcade. Louis smiles at the simplicity and he's glad they aren't going to some fancy restaurant, like his and Elaine's "first date". Ew.

Harry insists on buying the tokens, and like any cliche story of a guy and a girl fighting over the bill at a restaurant, Louis doesn't let him—right away. Harry eventually gets his way when he forces his money into the machine. Then, they enter the real arcade room.

Lights flash and various types of arcade music play all at the same time. The real lights—like, ceiling ones—are turned off, and the only light provided is from the gaming machines. Louis immediately notices the skee-ball machines pushed all in a row in the corner. He tugs Harry along with him, over to the machines. 

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