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When Yeri woke up, Mark was gone. She checked her phone and there's a draft message in her phone.

I'll come back with others later. Don't tell them I visited you this morning. And don't trip yourself. I'm not there to catch you.

That short message successfully made Yeri smiled. She didn't delete it and kept it in her draft message. The nurse came in to change the bandage around her chest and gave her some med before asking her to get more rest.


"Yeri! I miss you!" Lucas barged in the room and he immediately clasped his mouth when he saw Yeri was sleeping. Taeyong smacked him. "You could wake her up, stupid." he said and Lucas' face turned sad.

Mark was the last one to enter. He looked at Yeri who was sleeping peacefully before he made his way to the sofa.

"Glad this time the school made the right desicion to expell those scums. I don't know what will happens if I saw those guys this morning at school." Jaehyun said. The others nodded.

"Poor her. She doesn't deserve this." Lucas said with a sad tone of voice while eyeing the sleeping Yeri. Yeri shifted a little before her eyes shot open. Realising the boys are watching her, she immediately got up.

"Hey." Jaehyun greeted and she smiled at him. "How are you feeling today?" he added. She showed him a thumbs up. "Good to know." he said.

"Have you eaten?" Taeyong asked. She and Mark looked at each other at the same time but she looked away immediately. She slowly nodded to answer Taeyong's question.

They stayed with her until passed visiting hour and the nurse had to chase them away. Yeri was very happy to have them around her. She feels the safest around the boys. She realised they started to gain her trust.

Maybe accepting their offer to be friends with them isn't that bad.

She thought to herself. She startle when her phone vibrated. A notification popped up on the screen. Someone texted her.

I'll be there in the morning.

It was from unknown number. She texted back.

Who's this?

A second later, she got a new message.


Without she realised, the corners of her mouth lifted up.

Okay. See you tomorrow. I'll be awake when you arrive.

It took two seconds for him to reply back.

Don't. Just sleep. I'll wait for you to wake up.

She touched by how he secretly cares for her.

Are you going to ditch school again?

She hoped not.

No. I'm going right after I visit you.

It was a relief for her to know he's not going to ditch.

Good to know.

This time it took a while for him to reply back.

Don't forget to take your med before going to sleep. In case you haven't notice, I left my jacket in the drawer. Wear it if the blanket is not enough for you.

She immediately opened a drawer and there's actually a plain white oversize jacket on top of her school uniform. She took it out of the drawer and wore it straight away. The jacket smells like him and she loved it.

Thanks. It's so warm and comfy.

She got a new message a second later.


She kinda dissapointed because there's no good night wishes from him but anyway he's not how she expected him to be.

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