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Yeri's eyes fluttered open and she finally awake. She was so confused seeing herself wearing other cloth and not her school uniform. The last thing she remembered is she got into a fight with the bullies in her school and passed out. She turned to her side and shocked to see a guy was sleeping a sitting position.

She tried to sit up but her ribs hurt. She felt it burning and the movement she made cause the guy to wake up. "Hey you can't move too much. Lie down." he gently guided her upper body to lie back down on the bed. He even placed his hand behind her head to support it.

"Are you okay now? Do you know who I am? Do you remember anything?" the guy asked and she shook her head. "Do you know where you are right now?" he asked again and she shook her head once again.

"You're in the hospital. One of your rib bones broken and the injury around that area is quite serious. The nurse in the healthcare couldn't do a further treatment on you so they transfered you here. Luckily, the bruise on your forehead already faded." he explained.

"Oh I forgot. I'm Jaehyun. A senior in our high school. I'm the one who helped you with my other friends the other day. They will be here in a few minutes." she just nodded.

"You seriously don't remember me?" she lifted a brow at him. "Remember that day when you were attacked by two guys and we came to save you? We even sent you home after that. I gave you my jacket, remember?" her brows knitted as she thinks further and she finally remember the guys' face. She just flashed him a smile and nodded firmly.

"You remember?" she nodded again. Jaehyun kinda dissapointed she still didn't want to talk to him but he understands. The ward 's door creaked open and Taeyong came in with the others.

"Hi Yeri! You finally wake up!" Lucas said happily and earned a big grin from Yeri. "This are all my close friends. Let me introduce them to you. This is Taeyong and that is Jaehyun. Both of them are one year older than us. This is Mark, our classmate and that one is Hendery. He's also in our grade but he's in different class. This one right here is Jaemin. He's our junior. So you can bully him if you want to." Lucas explained. Yeri's smile get wider and wider everytime Lucas speak because he has such a funny accent.

When he told her about his family and his father is actually Chinese and he's growing up in Hong Kong before he came to Korea, that explains why he has such accent.

"Jaehyun told me you remember everything that happened from that night." Taeyong took a seat beside her bed after Lucas done talking with her. She nodded. "Are you still trauma from what happened that night?" this time she shook her head.

"Glad to hear that. I hope you can feel comfortable around us after this. We'll be your friends starting today, okay?" Yeri just smiled at him.

Yeri was so happy that day with Jaemin keep giving her silly pickuplines, Lucas with his lame jokes, Hendery who keeps pushing Lucas away so he gets a chance to talk with her. Taeyong and Jaehyun always comforting her and assured her that they will be good friends to her and they will make sure things like the other day will never happen again. They even promised to her.

They also brought her purple school bag and handed it back to her. Lucas swore to her that he guided the back like his life depends on it and he also swear he didn't peek what's inside the bag.

Besides that, Yeri was feeling a little awkward with Mark. He just stayed silent since they came earlier. Like others, they always talk to her whenever they had the chance to but Mark never did. He didn't even sat beside her and asked if she's okay.

Maybe he doesn't like me.

Yeri thought to herself. She could see the way he looked at her just now. She also noticed he kept rolling his eyes when she smiled at the others. She thought he's probably annoyed with her.

Before the boys excused themselves, they promised to Yeri that from now on, they will protect her from all the bullies in the school and no one will dare lay a finger on her after this. She smiled genuinely to that promise. Her eyes caught that eyes-rolling from Mark again.

"Bye Yeri! Take care! We'll visit you again tomorrow after school!" Lucas said and all of them except Mark waved happily at her and she waved back while smiling.

The next day, Yeri woke up at 11 in the morning. She was a bit groggy and dizzy because of the shot the nurse gave her last night. She hop off the bed and made her way to the washroom but her steps was all clumsy and she tripped herself.

Just when she about to close her eyes and brace the pain that will come after the fall, she felt someone's arm sneaked around her waist and caught her body from falling. She slowly opened her eyes and shocked to see that person was Mark.

Was he here all this time? Luckily I didn't strip naked.

He was there in the ward room since Yeri was still sleeping. He arrived at 9 and stayed until she woke up. He just sat on the long sofa, watch her sleeping and he also witnessed how she almost injured herself once again.

He sat her back down on the bed and rubbed the back of his neck as he took a few steps back from where she was sitting. "Could you be less clumsy?" he said. Yeri wasn't sure if that was a favor or he just scolded her. Yeri eyed him from head to toe. He wore a black long sleeve shirt and a black pair of trousers. He looks like he just back from attending a funeral.

Yeri opened a drawer beside her bed and pointed to her school uniform then to the clock. Mark understood what she meant. "I ditch." he walked back towards the sofa and lazily slumped his body on it. He could feel she asked him why he ditched school. "No reason." he answered shortly.

"Your lunch meal will arrive soon. I'm going to buy myself some food. Watch your steps." he said before dissapeared behind the door. Yeri can't help but smile widely. Mark is actually a very nice guy. Maybe he just doesn't want to show it in front of his hyungs.

A few minutes later, Yeri has washed up, brushed her teeth and washed her face. After that, she sat back down on the bed. Mark came in a minute later with food and drink in his hand. The nurse came in just behind him and she handed a tray of meal to Yeri. She took it unwillingly. The nurse then left her ward.

Mark took a seat beside her bed and tore off the lid of the cup of ramen and two packs of triangle kimbap. He even bought a taro boba drink, Yeri's favorite drink. Yeri can't help but gulp down when she looking at his food. She frowned at her food and took a bite of it. It's bland. She can't help but made such face after took a bite of the 'healthy' meal.

She heard the person beside her chuckled. "Hospital meal is always tasteless." he said. Yeri put the tray on the drawer beside her bed. Mark looked up at her. "You're not eating?" she shook her head and made a sad face. He noticed Yeri kept glancing at his ramen. He sighed heavily before handed the cup towards her.

Yeri made a disbelief face. "You can have it. I'm already full." Yeri looked at him and feeling weird and confused at the same time.

Full? I haven't seen him eats anything yet.

She thought. "Ppalli. My arm's cramping." Yeri immediately took the cup ramen from his grip. She smiled happily before slurping the ramen and it took her two minutes to finish it. "I didn't know you're such an eater." he pushed the triangle kimbap towards her and she finished that less than 3 minutes.

Mark on the other side was sipping his purple drink while looking at Yeri eating all his food. When she's done, she gulped down when she looked at his drinks. Mark noticed it. "You want some?" she nodded slowly. "Here. Only the liquid, you can't take the boba. Taeyong hyung said so." he feed her his drinks and she drank it all.

She flashed him a happy smile. She lie back down on the bed and fall into a deep sleep only in a couple minutes. Mark pulled up the thick blanket under her feet to cover her body.

I'll do anything just to see that smile.

SHE'S WITH US [Nctvelvet]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें