What is it like living with an INFP?

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First off, I'd like to apologize for the long time it took to update, schools been...interesting. If your new to this book thing, ignore this. Unless you want me to apologize to you for no reason, I don't know...

Anyhow! Let's get started. What is it like to live with an INFP? (disclaimer, this is just what it's like living with me as an INFP and might not connect with all of you...)

• There's little stuff flying everywhere
INFP's only clean when they start to get overwhelmed by everything stacking up, but once they do start cleaning, they won't want to stop until the whole house is sparkling.

•They are weird with dirt and grime
Something super natural like sneezing into a paper towel or sharing their toilet with someone can gross them out, but then they only change their sheets once every 3 years (unless reminded beforehand)

•They are possessed of their things
Honestly. What is it with people touching my stuff?

•You can often find them in their rooms with their doors closed.
We do this mostly because we don't want to be disturbed or distracted while "in the zone"

•Be prepared to have a ton of things in your house.
INFP's are collectors, and we'll hold on to anything gifted to us

•We enjoy your company more than we'll admit (again, unless we're in the zone) but we don't usually approach you

•Down to cuddle
Depends on their relationship with you on this one. If it's not romantic, they'd probably be a little uncomfortable (who wouldn't?) but they won't make the first move

•Lots of good talks with caring questions
We're full of love, however we mostly show it through being there for you or thinking of you, or having a meaningful conversation with you. Rather than big gestures or gifts

I think? Maybe a little boring too, depends on our relationship with you.

•Creative with random bursts of energy
We are always changing what we are working on, or a personal project

•They procrastinate doing anything.
They usually only do things after there is enough external force, but once they're done, they get super happy and inspired to do more.

•They're on your team. Super loyal, and always wanting to help :)

•They do what they want and let you do what you want without critique

•It would probably get super lonely
Especially if your an extrovert, we really value our alone time

Alright! That's all for this chapter, thank you for keeping updated, and if you have any suggestions, feel free to share :) I'll dedicate the chapter to you and everything 😂

I hope everyone has a good day and I'll update again when I feel like it because my schedule is a little crowded 😂

Have a wonderful day!!

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