My life is a nightmare

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sorry its been forever since i updated, i know people wanted to read this, i think i finally know what im doing with this story though, so im hoping to get more stuff out a lot faster


"I'm sorry?" I ask. What the fuck.

"I have a job for you." He repeats.

"Yeah, I heard you. What I mean is what the fuck is happening?."

"How much longer should this last?" He asks the nurse.

"They should be complaint within a few days." She answers.

"I'll be back then." He turns to leave.

"Excuse me, miss? What the hell is happening?"

"We saved you."

"From what?"

"From the evil rebels who live outside the city." She says.

"Okay... why're they evil?"

"They're trying to destroy our way of life."

"What's your way of life?"

"It's better." She tries to assure me. Fuck, everything about this place is unsettling, from how the people seem to talk, to the fact that its so fucking clean. It's unnatural. The pill she gave me feels like it's messing with my stomach and I have a nagging feeling I'm supposed to remember something too, which isn't helping with how unsettled I feel.

"Well uhh... I'm gonna go." I say, standing up, which hurts I might add, and starting to walk towards the door.

She doesn't look like she knows what to do, so I just keep walking. I smile at the people I pass, saying good morning or hello occasionally. I get to the door without any interference. Outside it's still unreasonably clean and the weather is just a little too perfect if you know what I mean. I still feel like I'm gonna puke from the pill but if I can just find somewhere to sit for a few minutes, that would be great. I find a pretty much abandoned alley moistly out of sight and take a minute. I put my hands in my posters and found a small notebook, with the words "property of Y/K/N '' written in messy capital letters.

I start reading though and wonder who Y/K/N is and how I ended up with their book. I had the feeling shit went down before but... What exactly happened? "Y/K/N signing off..." they've gotta be dead, right? God I feel bad for whoever Party is. I can't imagine losing someone like this guy must've lost Y/K/N, never knowing what really happened. If I ever find this Party guy I'm gonna give him this. I'm still really unclear on what the fuck theyre talking about but it doesnt sound good. I get back to my feet and start looking for something. Literally anything that could help me right now. In a random page halfway though the book the words "get out, they're gonna make you do it again." are scrawled in really messy handwriting.

"Attention citizens of Battery City, the killjoy referred to as Y/K/N has escaped custody. If seen, report their location immediately." a monotone voice says, coming from speakers that seem to be coming off every building.

They're alive! Maybe they could help me. They seem pretty cool from what I read, and maybe I can help them get back to this Party guy and find out what happened to whoever Cola is. God they all have weird fucking names. I wished they had given a description of Y/K/N so I know what I'm looking for.

"Oh my god there they are!" a voice screams, pointing at me. "Help! I found them!"

"Hey lady, I don't know what youre talking about.'' I take a step back and put my hands up. She keeps screaming so I have no choice but to run for it. Fuck, why was she screaming about me? I'm not even wanted! I think. All I know is this Y/K/N dudes gotta have answers. I keep running and get various people yelling as I go, until I hide behind a dumpster to catch my breath. Holy shit. Maybe I just look like Y/K/N? And they all think I'm them?

it seemed like a good idea at the time (sequel to cabin fever)Where stories live. Discover now