Greetings From An Undead Hero

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The drive home was peaceful. Not quiet peaceful. But still peaceful. Pietro told Wanda all about how they brought him back to life (she vaguely remembered Phil Coulson telling her something about Tahiti a while ago once Pietro mentioned it) and how Clint was there to help mostly because he felt like it was his fault Pietro died but also because he thought Pietro needed a friendly face to help calm him down. Clint would glance back at Pietro whenever he could and smile or blow him a kiss. Pietro would meet his gaze and wink or blow a kiss back. Wanda smiled softly the entire time and, though it pained her to admit it, she had to agree with Clint; he and Pietro could probably out-couple everyone in the house (and that includes Tony and Loki). Pietro was oblivious to her dreamy look as he continued rambling on about their first date and how they went rollerskating and Pietro ran laps around Clint. They then went out of lunch where Clint showed him how delicious fries dipped in chocolate milkshakes are (Wanda laughed at this one). The milkshake covered fries started a twenty minute tangent about all the other foods Pietro has experienced while recovering and how he learned Clint is not a chef. He told her all about the dishes he's learned to make--including the pasta their parents made--and everything he wishes to try. Wanda told him about how her and Natasha bake for the team all the time. This earned a knowing smile and an elbow to the ribs from Clint. She rolled her eyes at him and stuck her tongue out. Of course she couldn't leave Pietro in the dark, and because she knew Natasha would be an overprotective girlfriend when they got home, so she told Pietro about how they were dating. Pietro smiled and told her he already knew (this earned Clint a harder elbow to the ribs). 

All in all, the car ride home was the happiest Clint had ever seen Wanda in a long time. 

But all good things must come to an end. 

"Alright, we're home," Clint spoke up as he pulled into the garage. Wanda glanced back at Pietro and frowned. Natasha was right. This might've been the only chance she got at having her brother all to herself (and Clint but Clint doesn't count; Clint always has Pietro to himself). Pietro simply smiled and looked around at the tower, oblivious to the sad expression on his sister's face. 

"Anything I should know before we go in?" Pietro asked as they all unbuckled. "That I don't already know," he added, shooting Clint a look. Clint laughed and shook his head playfully. Wanda's frown deepened as she watched both Clint and Pietro get out of the car. 

"What do you already know?" she asked, deciding she should at least be part of the conversation, and climbed out of the car, closing the door behind her. Pietro laughed lightly. Wanda shot Clint a look. He held his hands up and hung his head. "You know about Tasha and I." Pietro nodded. "Steve and Bucky?" Nod. "Sam moving in?" Nod. Wanda glanced to Clint and tilted her head to the side. Clint stared at her, trying to think of anything he hadn't told Pietro already. "Loki living here?" Nod. "Loki and Tony?" Nod. "Peter Parker?" He contemplated it for a second before nodding. Wanda hummed, trying to think of anything important. "Peter is Tony's son, FYI. And I believe Loki is adopting him soon." Pietro bobbed his head; he didn't know about that but he wanted to make sure she knew he heard her. "Umm. . ." She looked away and played with the tips of her hair. Clint popped the trunk before pulling out Pietro's suitcase. Pietro kissed his cheek in thanks before pulling the handle up and tilting it so he could roll it behind him. The three of them made their way over to the elevator. "Oh!" Wanda exclaimed, her hand shooting up like a school girl's would if she knew the answer to the question the teacher asked. "Loki is currently presenting as female." Pietro stopped for a moment before catching back up to them. 


Wanda looked back to him and offered a kind smile and a nod. "Yeah. She came out as gender fluid a couple days ago." Pietro stared at her, taking it all in. "She makes a rather beautiful woman." He laughed. Clint side-eyed her. She shrugged and hit the button for the elevator. "I'm just saying." Clint chuckled. She turned her attention back to Pietro. "You should watch the pronouns though. I don't know how she reacts to being miss-gendered. I would imagine she doesn't take kindly to it." Pietro nodded. They walked into the elevator and after Clint pressed the button for the communal living room floor, they waited for it to go up. 

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