Secrets Revealed

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At first, Peter just laughed the comment off and rolled his eyes. "Yeah. Right, Mister Stark. Because you're adopting me?" He laughed some more. "It isn't official. You literally just asked." Tony shook his head, grabbing onto Peter's hands and staring intently into his eyes. "Mister Stark?" Peter asked slowly. Loki set a hand on Peter's shoulder. Peter quickly looked over to Loki, then back to Tony. "Wha-what's going on?"

"Pete. . ." Tony inhaled deeply. "I am your father." Peter looked between Tony and Loki before laughing. Perhaps now would be the time to make a Star Wars reference; surely Tony would understand his need to do so. The couple exchanged a confused glance before raising an eyebrow at Peter. "Peter. I'm being serious." The fifteen year old stopped laughing almost immediately and just stared wide-eyed at the two. "Peter?"

"You're my father." Tony wasn't sure if it was a question or a statement. "You're my father," he repeated. It took him a long moment before Peter pulled away and just stared at them, utter betrayal in his eyes. "How long?"

"Since you were born?" Tony answered, confused by the question. Peter rolled his eyes. "Oh! How long have I known?" He nodded. Tony bit his lip. "Since your surgery." Peter nodded, looking away and running his fingers through his hair, his mouth agape. "The doctor had taken your blood, remember?" Peter nodded, this time actually sincere. "They ran a bunch of tests to make sure you were healthy." Loki placed a hand on Tony's shoulder. "They also had to confirm some things before they proceeded with the procedure." Peter swallowed, his mind racing. "Well, the tests came back saying you were the offspring of one Mary Parker and one Anthony Stark. Obviously the latter is me." The corners of Tony's eyes seemed to sag.  

"Why didn't you tell me?" he asked in a hushed whisper, his voice cracking slightly. Peter's eyes started to water but he didn't know if it was out of happiness or out of anger; maybe even both. Tony felt his heart break at the sight of his son crying. Peter stood up, his chest tightening. "Why. . ." He shook his head. "Do you not want to be my father?" Tony tried to reach out for the young boy but Peter stepped back.

"You couldn't be further from the truth, Pete," Tony assured. Sam, Bucky, Clint, and Thor took that as their cue to leave; Bucky went up to Steve's art studio whereas the rest went down to the training room. "I just. . ." Tony started crying. Peter hiccuped. Loki stood up and placed a hand on Tony's back. "Look, Pete, I wanted to tell you. Trust me, I did! But you were so excited about your transition that I didn't want to take that away from you." Peter raised an eyebrow as he tried to fight back tears. "I wanted to make sure you understood I was paying for it so you can be happy, so you could finally feel like yourself in every way possible, and because I love you and I love when you're happy." Peter looked away. "I didn't want you to think I was trying to buy your love. Or that I was trying to make up for the past years that I haven't been in your life." Peter started crying now. Loki pressed her lips into a thin line. "I was going to tell you after everything healed but then everything with May. . ." He let out a soft breath. "I got sidetracked."

"Who else knows?"

"Well that all depends on who was listening to our conversation," Loki piped up softly. Peter looked to her, sniffling. "If they weren't eavesdropping then just I--and I only just found out. But if they were, then my brother, Sam, Bucky, and Clint. And they had only just found out as well." Peter let out a shaky breath. Loki stepped between the father and son. "Peter, darling, you know Anthony loves you dearly. He wouldn't have wanted to hurt you by withholding this information. And you have to understand why he didn't tell you." Peter sniffled and nodded. "Would it have taken away from your transition?" Peter went to argue it, to tell her it would've just boosted his positive mood, but then he stopped. Would it have made him happier? Or was Tony right? She held a finger to his lips before extending her arms. "C'mere."

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