Son of evil

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A maid walked towards a throne, every step she took was taken slowly and cautiously. She looked in fear at the person sitting on the throne, it was a 14 year old boy with wavy light blond hair, a long curl sticking out from under his crown, and violet blue eyes. She bowed at his feet.

"P-Prince Matthew, your new personal servant is here." A maid said.

Matthew had a bored look on his face.
He nodded, glared at her and said, "Well, bring him in then."

The maid was shaking slightly, stood up and bowed one more time before leaving the room. A few minutes later a boy who looked almost the same entered. He had dark blond hair, a cowlick sticking up, and sky blue eyes.

He bowed and said with a smile, "Hello, Prince Matthew. It will be pleasure to serve you. I am Alfred F. Jones."

Matthew violet eyes widened. He looked at everyone in the throne room and demanded, "Everyone is to leave right now. Alfred, you are to stay."

The servants and maids looked confused for a second but rushed out of the room. Once the doors closed, Matthew walked up to Alfred and told him to look at him. Alfred looked up and still had a smile. Matthew started to tear up and tackled Alfred into a hug. Alfred had a hard time keeping his balance but managed.

"Al! It's you! I can't believe it! I missed you so much!" Matthew said.

"I missed you to Matthew." Alfred said as he hugged Matthew back.

The twins were united once more.


Matthew sat on the throne and Alfred stood by him. A man with red eyes, in a red suit came in and kneeled

"Your highness, I have came to ask you to lend me and my family money and to lower taxes." The man asked quietly.

Matthew glared at the man in red and stood up from his throne and walked towards the man.

"And why would I do that?" Matthew said.

"B-Because we're the ones who supply food!" The man said.

He looked up the prince with hope in his eyes. Matthew smirked at the man, he was right in front of him. Matthew lifted up his foot and stepped on the man's head and said, "Learn how to speak to your prince, peasant!"

Matthew started to laugh and grind his foot, "Now bow to your prince!"

Matthew stopped after a little bit and laughed a little before stopping. "Gaurds! Take this peasant out of my sight!" He demanded.

The man looked at Alfred with hope as he was being dragged, Alfred just looked away. The man angrily shouted, "You'll end up killing this country and I'll be watching as the people tear you apart!"

Matthew scoffed and went back to sit on his throne. He looked at Alfred with a kind smile and said, "I want brioche for tea time."

Alfred weakly smiled, nodded and went to get ready to go into town.


Matthew went to one of his servants, handed him a letter and said, "I wish for this to be delivered to Prince Lovino of the blue country."

The servant bowed and rushed to get the letter delivered. Matthew went back to his room and looked at the photo of Prince Lovino. He was madly in love with him and hoped he would accept his proposal.

About 2 hour later, Alfred had returned with ingredients and was blushing with a smile on his face. He also had a letter from Prince Lovino, one of his servants came and delivered it. He dropped the ingredients off in the kitchen And made his way to Matthew's room, knocked and opened the door.

"Oh, Alfred your back." Matthew said with a smile.

"Yep! And I got a letter from Prince Lovino for you!" Alfred said as he held out a letter to Matthew.

Matthew took the letter with happiness and opened it. As he read the letter, his face dropped, he started to tear up but held it back.

"Alfred." He said, not looking at him

"Yes, Prince Matthew?" Alfred asked with concern.

Matthew looked at him with anger and demanded, "I want everyone in the green country dead! Everyone!"

Alfred took a step back at the sudden outburst. He nodded, bowed and left.


Matthew saw Alfred later covered in blood. He gasped and looked at him horrified. Alfred forced smile and said sorry for scaring him and left to go clean up.

Matthew sat outside in his garden of roses. He was admiring their beauty, until he heard a cough. He looked up and saw Alfred smiling at him. They chatted for awhile until Matthew looked at his watch and said, "Oh, it's tea time."

Alfred smiled and left to get the snacks and tea for him.

-Meanwhile at the country of green-

"Antonio! Antonio where are you! Damn it." Lovino said as he ran through the burning streets of the green country.

He ran, looking everywhere for his lover. He stopped when he saw a familiar figure at a well. He ran to the figure and started to cry.

"No. No!" Lovino yelled.

He picked up the person he was searching for. Blood was staining his clothes but he didn't care. Lovino sobbed and cursed at the Prince of yellow for killing his lover. A hand was held out in front of him. He looked up and saw a man with red eyes wearing red armor.

"Antonio was my friend. We can get revenge on the prince for him." The man said.

Lovino took the man's hand and glared at the direction of the yellow kingdom.

I'll avenge the country of green and Antonio


The Prince looked outside, his people were rebelling against him. His army couldn't handle it, they were tired from the war they fought with the green country and was defeated quickly. His servants and maids had fled the palace, his rule was to end soon. The door to the throne room was thrown open, the man in red was leading the people inside and pointed his sword at the prince.

"Prince Matthew Williams! You are here by arrested!" The man said with a smirk.

The prince glared at him and said,
"You insolent man! Ordering a prince around and ruining this beautiful palace!"

The man in red glared at him and ordered the people to get him. Such a fragile prince would not put up fight, so he was finally captured.


The prince stood in his jail cell and saw a rose on the floor. He picked it up and sighed, a tear escaping his eye.


The execution is to be at three p.m, at the town square. The prince's hands were bonded together, he walked towards the guillotine. The man in red put his head in the hole and asked, "Any last words?"

The third bell chimed and instead of begging for his life or apologizing for his crimes, the prince looked at the sky and said his favorite line "Oh, it's tea time."

And the blade fell. The crowd cheered for the tyrant's death.

In the future, if you ask anyone about the prince they would have said,

"Ah, he truly was the son of evil."

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