An exchange of glances

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It was nearing fall in Georgia. The light breeze scented with hazelnut that would come and go left everyone at ease. Everyone except the college students who anxiously awaited for the mysterious transfer. It is only natural to be curious, after all it was said the stranger came from France! The girls swooned over the idea of an attractive male, accompanied with an enchanting accent. The guys discussed a variety girls that the transfer may live up to. However Deon remained completely oblivious to the chatter around him. Though he was quite popular around campus for his good looks and his charisma, he preferred to spend his mornings jamming out to whatever his headphones blared. The room quickly fell silent as the students attention was directed towards a unfamiliar boy who opened the door. Deon put a pause on his jam sesh to marvel at the sight. The boy was around 5'6 or so, a black sweater which adorably was slightly too big for him, a light wash of skinny jeans, and an ultimate bed head of black curls. But the thing that really had him fixated was the dudes greyish blue eyes that were absolutely captivating to say the least. His view was quickly blocked by a hoard of girls who surrounded the newcomer. Deon sighed in pity for the poor dude as he continued to listen to his daily dose of the Backstreet Boys.

~After class~

Earlier, the bombardment of questions the girls began to ask were quickly cut off by the professor. The new dude was saved! Atleast until the the professors lecture ended. Before he could even get out of his chair he was surrounded by curious students.
"Hey hey do you speak French??" One of the girls asked hopefully.
The boy just stared at her annoyed, glancing around for any possible escape route.
"Geez chill out Grace atleast ask his name first haha" Another girl chimed in.
"Yea! What's your name??" They all asked in unison.
"For fucks sake it's Robin." He groaned while rubbing his temples in attempt to ease his headache.
"ohhHh Robin~ is that french??"
"You're just the cutest thing!!" A girl with shorter blonde hair says as she pinches his face.
"Hey cut it out-"
"Hold on..." She lowers her face to his while he cringes in absolute disgust.
"Hey!! Doesn't Deon have a beauty mark like this too?" She asks while pointing at a mole placed under his right eye. Deon quickly turns his head over to them in response to his name. For a brief moment Robins eyes meet with his. Robin squints slightly, and sure enough Deon does have a beauty mark like his. Except it's under his left eye. The girl nods in confirmation.
"Yup I was right. Though it's much easier to see on Robin since his skin is more fair."
"Oh yo that's crazy dude! Twinsies." Deon smirks as the class begins to giggle at his remark. Robin however, is far from amused. He can't put his finger on it but this dude pisses him off more than anyone else, and that's saying a lot as everyone pisses him off. He quickly stood up while the girls were distracted and practically bolted out of there. "That's enough social interaction for today" Robin thought. The action made Deon chuckle to himself. "This was going to be a fun year" he smiled to himself.

[Authors notes]
soOo this chapter is pretty short it being the intro and all, gosh golly intros are so hard. Anyhow I hope you enjoyed this sad excuse for an opening! I swear the chapters to follow will be better(probably)
Thank you for reading!!
(It's gay btw)

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