His face fell which I took as a good thing for me anyway. "23 building C"

The bus care to a stop. And I got out. "Okay bye" I said with a wave. I proceeded to turn my music up to full volume aka earrape level.

Glad I shook him. See the difference between high school and collage is that high school is hell for those who don't have a group and in collage a group only drags you down.

In conclusion I am all set for collage.

Johns POV


"SHIT" I jolt awake. So apparently that's not a good sound for an alarm clock.

I stumbled out of bed and rolled into my button down tee. Today would be the day!!


I walked to kings which was only a few blocks away.

After registering myself I rushed over to Blue State Coffee which was a coffee shop on campus. I've worked there for like the whole summer so I could save up.

Today would be a good day I know it.

Suddenly, the bell above the door chimes as it freaked open. I was talking to a customer so I didn't see a yellow heathen sneaking up behind me.

"Yes sir I'll get right on th- AHHHH PEGGY WHAT THE FUCK" a small yellow gremlin had launched at my back and was now sitting in my shoulders.

"What he meant to say is that he will be right on your drink. You can go sit down and enjoy your stay." Peggy instructed from on top of me.

"ah to be young" the old man chuckled.

There was a bang and a small "oh fuck" from Peggy. She had bumped her head on the ceiling because she underestimated how tall I am.

Peggy fell but I caught her.

Our faces were near inches apart. Peggy's eyelashes are long. I was holding her bridal style.

She put her had on my cheek and caressed it with her thumb, "Romeo is it" she muttered in an overly British accent.

"Pfffff" we both cracked up. I dropped her and brushed off my hands. There was no way in hell we would ever kiss. For one, we were both gay, and two she's my best friend. We don't freak out or anything actually we fake love scenes from movies a lot just because it's fun. Peggy's favorites are titanic and Romeo and Juliet because Leo D.

I am WAY more good looking than him but she disagrees.

"Ow, JOHN WHY WOULD YOU DROP ME?!" Ugh isn't it obvious!

"Uh you did the Romeo line when you could have sang that pottery song from Ghost." I pointed out sarcastically while brewing the old man's coffee.

"Ghost doesn't have my man Leo D in it!!" She exclaimed getting up of her ass and putting on her apron and hat. "Next" she yelled at the line.

"Uh Peggy two things. One your gay so why do you even like him and two HES NOT THAT HOT?!"

"Okay 2 lemon squares coming up-" she turned to me as she walked to the glass vase with tongs. "Okay two answers. One, just because I'm gay doesn't mean I can't recognize when a guy is attractive and two, refer to answer one." I rolled my eyes as I added 3 pumps of creamer.

The rest of the day went by fast and we ended up finishing early. So naturally we went shopping.

I made my way into Target because they have Office merch and why not. I went to the mens section and Peggy followed me.

She looked through the flannels which always looked good on her. I saw a middle aged man walk up to her and smile. "Shopping for a brother?" He tried to make friendly conversation.

Peggy frowned and shook her head. "Father?"


He gasped noting her visible age. "Son" he almost whispered. Peggy laughed.

"No actually I'm shopping for me!" She smiled.

"Oh! But young lady, the women's section is over there?" He Almost asked and I could feel my fist clenching.

"I'm aware" Peggy answered sassily.

"But then why are you shopping here? Are you gay or something" he laughed and I walked over and put an arm around Peggy ready to beat someone up.

"Yes acctually thanks for noticing" he gasped and looked at her in disgust.

"Oh your one of them are you" he spat the words like they were poison.

"Yea you got a problem mister" I stepped in and Peggy pulled on my bicep.

"John stop it's not worth it.

~ needless to say we had a 3 month ban from that Target...


First chapter complete!!! Hope you like it!!

Live love Laf

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